Last Word On Drudge – IOTW Report

Last Word On Drudge

What happened to Drudge?

Well, it seems his panties have bunched into his fagina because he felt jilted by Trump.

19 Comments on Last Word On Drudge

  1. dumped Drudge back in ’16 …. nothing will bring it back. use CFP now.

    like Rodney Dangerfield said, “when you buy a hat like that I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh?”

  2. The interview that Kane did with Kassam was excellent. I really enjoyed it and thought he did a great job.

    Interesting point about Kushner that Watson brought up. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least. I remember when Ben Garrison was “dis-invited” from the White House tech summit event, apparently at the behest of the Kushners. I just about hit the ceiling when that happened.

  3. Drudge went into the “Box of Rejected Things” several years ago. One of the first occupants. Next to Glenn Beck. Both are now buried beneath pro spots teams, the more recent additions.

  4. Same thing happened with Charles Johnson over at LGFs years ago. After busting Dan Rather for the faked ANG appraisal report of GWB, 43, LGFs didn’t make the top ten of the best Conservative Blogs the next year, (top spot want to Small Dead Animals). So he went full lefty and never came back. Which was a shame because his blog used to be pretty fun.

  5. How about the more simple answer? M. Drudge is/was makingn $50 to $100 MILLION a year from ads (mainly google ads). With that kind of money from the extreme left wing SI valley, well the math is clear. Money corrupts ones morals and character, and hundreds of millions does it in a very big way.


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