Latest George Clooney/Matt Damon Vehicle Lays Absolute Stink Bomb At Theaters – IOTW Report

Latest George Clooney/Matt Damon Vehicle Lays Absolute Stink Bomb At Theaters

Suburbicon, released wide on 2000 screens, made 2.8 million dollars this weekend.


The budget was 25 million.

The critics and the movie goers all rate it as garbage, yet CNN was touting it as OSCAR-WORTHY:

“Should George Clooney and the cast of his upcoming film ‘Suburbicon’ start blocking off their Sundays during award season?” CNN wondered ahead of the movie’s festival premiere. – WAPO

CNN does fake movie reviews, as well, for actors and directors who share their political view.





33 Comments on Latest George Clooney/Matt Damon Vehicle Lays Absolute Stink Bomb At Theaters


    He takes a shelved Coen Brothers script about insurance fraud and wedges in a separate story about racism.
    No one can figure out why except that Clooney is a raging progtard who felt this would elevate the movie in the mind’s of progressive reviewers.
    NPR said this might be one of the worst examples of Pious Progressivism in movie history.

    What a turd this shallow lightweight is.

  2. A lot of conservatives have flat out quit watching movies. I’m one of them. As smart as these people think they are, you’d think they’d thought of that.

  3. It’s a movie about white people (Matt Damon) hate on darkies moving into their neighborhood.

    So your usual blood libel. It’s got a Harvey Award waiting in the wings.

  4. I stopped watching new movies years ago, even before I stopped watching the nfl pansy league.

    and like the nfl and hollywood once entertainment personalities start injecting their political opinion into their performance,

    i’m out of there!

  5. How about they do a movie about a rich, gay couple, who try to keep a horde of muslims from squatting in their mansion and they end up getting tossed off their own roof. I might pay to see that.

  6. Mr. Hat, I think you’re being unfair to Mr. Clooney. A refugee, forced to abandon his home -– well, at least forced to abandon one of his lakeside villas -– because too many people of color had invaded the area, has a different perspective on racial issues. It’s important that such important voices be heard.

  7. I stopped watching movies when the idiots, retards, sexual perverts, and moralphobes who made and were in them declared themselves to be Gods and Goddesses and deemed to lecture we deplorables on their warped vision of the rudiments of life, liberty, and happiness!

  8. I wish the gals would start an honest hashtag.

    How many are sitting around, shifty eyed, knowing they whored their way into fame and don’t want to say a thing because they like their life?

  9. The big story isn’t just the NFL losing viewers but also Hollywood going down the tubes. People don’t want to shell out cash to watch their values trashed, see themselves portrayed as stupid hicks and have to suffer through liberal tirades on global warming, gun control, and trashing Christianity.

  10. Fur, Ha! Yup, this nightmare for Weinstein and Hollywood could end in a heartbeat if Paltrow would just sob into a microphone, looking ‘Gwyneth Sad and Saintly’, with mascara running and mumbling something about being “conflicted” and “the need to forgive.”

  11. Two Oscars Mayer wieners trying to act? Hot dog! this movie has gone to the dogs. I hope normal Americans demand more wholesome movies that evryone can enjoy. Thank God there are tons of quality movies available on DVD.

  12. Didn’t Michael Douglas do this white redneck racist conservative gone mad movie already in 1993?
    It was called “Falling Down”. Never saw it.

    Hollywood originality is kaput.

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