Latest Government Controlled Home Technology – IOTW Report

Latest Government Controlled Home Technology

I.S.- Not everyone maintains their smoke detectors. One common problem is that there are people who don’t replace the batteries so some state and city officials in their infinite wisdom are passing laws requiring manufacturers to put ten year batteries in them.


One has to wonder what happens when the ten years are up and the people still don’t update their smoke detectors. What if the battery is defective and the owners don’t know it because they don’t maintain them? Will alarms be put on the alarms? Will the government set up training classes or arrange for inspections? Maybe they could fine people.

Manufacturers aren’t happy and are trying to stave off the onslaught that appears to be gaining wings. The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) believes consumers should have the right to choose what type of technology they purchase. What a novel thought.  more

12 Comments on Latest Government Controlled Home Technology

  1. The solution is obvious. Tie the detectors into the same network that the soon-to-be mandatory smart electric meters are tied into. This would make it possible for the detectors to have their software updated automatically over the net so that the govt knows if you’re smoking tobacco (or worse), or you’ve been cooking too much red meat, or whatever is the Food Nazi bête noire du jour.

    Then, your friendly federalized local cops can drop by for a “welfare check” with their gaily painted battering rams and stunning flash-bangs.

  2. Anyone read “Harrison Bergeron” lately ? This conversation makes me think of that excellent short story by Vonnegut. The Government Nannies can all go pound sand.

  3. In the Peoples Republic of Maryland the legislators have found the answer. They passed a law that mandates sprinkler systems be installed in ay home built after 2005. Now if you have an older home you won’t be affected. Just don’t do any renovations, because if that renovation affects 50% or more of the total living space, guess what ? that’s right you have to install a sprinkler system. Fucking liberals, what they don’t ban they make mandatory. I can’t get outta here fast enough.

  4. My detectors run on 120 volts, they’re also wired together, when one goes off they all go off. I haven’t tested them in years, but I was burning a tire in the backyard the other night with the windows open and they went off. I think I’m good to go.

  5. lol old oaks.

    there are people who simply need the nanny state. For them I like the idea of putting the smoke detectors in with the smart meters and central monitoring.

    For THEM. not for me.

    I have SDs and COs.

  6. Our house was built in ’94. Smoke detectors have batteries but are also hard-wired.

    If you’re dumb enough to not replace batteries when necesssary, you’re dumb enough to be on the Darwin List.


  7. I don’t have COs because nobody told me I needed them.

    I wonder how we all got by before all these helmets, air bags and other crap that made stuff more expensive. It was probably best we let Darwin do more work.

  8. Our hard wired 120 volt smoke detectors are so sensitive the sealed gas fireplace and teapot both set them off. They are louder than F-15 jet engines. The Alarm company calls and they cannot hear phone conversations so they send the Fire Department just in case. Volunteer Fire Fighters 60 miles away report to their stations. Our electric bill goes up $22 every time those SsOBs go off. NO ONE at the NFPA has any common sense. So those worthless pieces of shit are unplugged and laying behind the shed. No idea if the batteries are any good. Who gives a shit.

  9. …some state and city officials in their infinite wisdom are passing laws requiring manufacturers to put ten year batteries in them.

    So now the homeowner is even MORE likely to forget to replace the batteries because…out of sight, out of mind. I have a reminder on my cell phone calendar to replace the batteries every six months. Mine also have the capability to be wired to the electrical system in the house. I don’t use that because if something happens that knocks out the power, the smoke detectors become useless. I had some schmoe tell me I just need to use a battery backup. Really? Then what’s the point?

  10. Ours are battery back up but hard wired to the electical system. If the power goes out, the smoke detectors beep incessently.

    Yes, we know the power is out. Yes, that’s why we have batteries in the smoke detectors.

    No, constant beeping is not necessay!

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