Latest Seattle CHOP/CHAZ shooting kills 16-year-old boy, critically wounds 14-year-old boy – IOTW Report

Latest Seattle CHOP/CHAZ shooting kills 16-year-old boy, critically wounds 14-year-old boy

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said both victims were African-American.


A 16-year-old boy has died and a 14-year-old boy has been hospitalized in critical condition Monday following the latest shooting at the Seattle area known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP, police revealed.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said it marked the second death of an African-American victim in the area. The first death associated with the CHOP came June 20 when 19-year-old Horace Lorenzo Anderson was shot and killed.

Monday marked the fourth shooting linked to the CHOP zone.

“It’s very unfortunate that we have another murder in this area identified as the CHOP,” Best said Monday. She elaborated that they were African-American victims “at a place where they claim to be working for Black Lives Matter but they’re gone. They’re dead now. And, we’ve had multiple other incidents — assaults, rapes, robbery, shootings — so this is something that’s going to need to change.”

Officials initially said the victims of the latest shooting were “men” before clarifying their ages.

Best said multiple 911 callers reported that two males had been shot in a vehicle on 12th Avenue between Pike and Pine early Monday morning, but by the time officers arrived at the scene both were gone. MORE HERE

18 Comments on Latest Seattle CHOP/CHAZ shooting kills 16-year-old boy, critically wounds 14-year-old boy

  1. “Will Seattleites ever wake-up to the mess they’ve created? Even when it’s staring them right in the face?”

    No. most of them probably won’t even recognize that it’s a mess or that they are the ones that created it.

    Leftists don’t think that way, they can’t understand cause and effect chains.

  2. @Jimmy — “Will Seattleites ever wake-up to the mess they’ve created? Even when it’s staring them right in the face?”

    Just for the record, this Seattleite didn’t create this mess, nor am I responsible for slavery.

    Have you noticed this is not an isolated, Seattle problem?

  3. Black lives only matter to BLM/ANTIFA if they can be exploited to advance Marxism/progressivism. The Democrats never change, its all about using blacks for the Democrats ends.

  4. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said it marked the second death of an African-American victim in the area.

    Are we only keeping stats on black lives?
    I can’t be sure, but I seem to recall hearing that a gazillion times… well as something along the lines of “it’s THEIR streets”.

  5. Oh, look!
    My Give-A-Fuck Meter’s broke!

    Cut off the electricity, water, telephone service – enlarge and enhance the barricades around it topping them with concertina – and re-name it the CHOP Prison (or CHAZ Prison or whatever).

    When they start eating each other, point and laugh.
    Hang the last one.
    Force the maggots in local government to clean up the mess.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. According to the left, only the police kill blacks. CHOP is closed to the police. How did those people get shot and killed? Either the story about cops being the problem is false, or the story about people dying is false.
    Yes, I can set up a strawman devoid of any logic almost as well as the media and the left

  7. Congratulations to the “citizens” of “Chopistan” for achieving what 99.999% of small American towns have never done before – the murder of four of their own citizens in less than three weeks! The Chopistinian people must be so proud! Maybe you could ask the SPD if they could increase their presence in your fine country and assist with peace-keeping? Oh, wait!

    I would add Seattle’s finest mayor, Jenny Durkin must be green with envy. Of course, it would be hard for her to GET any greener, so there’s that!

  8. This happened at 3:00 in the morning, didn’t it? Unless he is driving to work there is a curfew for 16 year old drivers. It’s something like midnight to 5:00 AM. It was probably a law abiding citizen trying to get an illegal driver off the road.


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