Latest Theory on Autism is a Blast From the Past – IOTW Report

Latest Theory on Autism is a Blast From the Past


Pregnant women with higher levels of a banned pesticide that’s still found in many foods today are more likely to have children diagnosed with autism, a new study finds.

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or DDT, is an insecticide widely used after its development in the 1940s. It’s particularly known to help prevent malaria, typhus, and other insect-borne diseases. Of course, it was also extremely useful for farmers and anyone else who found themselves frequently bugged by insects. The pesticide became commonly used across the world, but by the late 1950s, its dangerous effects on the environment and wildlife began to come into light; consequently in 1972, as it became clearer that it was unhealthy for human exposure, the Environmental Protection Agency banned its use in America.

Despite the ban, DDT is still showing up in our food decades later. The EPA warns the chemical is “known to be very persistent in the environment,” and “can travel long distances in the upper environment.” It continues to be found across the food chain, particularly in vegetables, fish, meat, and dairy products, according to the advocacy group Toxic-Free Future. DDT is of particular concern to unborn children because it can still transfer across the placenta.

The authors warn that the results are strictly observational, and that a cause-and-effect was not proven.


HT/ Ramona

Eating DDT with no ill effects-

23 Comments on Latest Theory on Autism is a Blast From the Past

  1. DDT did a job on me, now I’m a real sicky. I jest. Not really. What they (THEY) pump into your meat is the biggest threat. DON’T buy meat from your local grocer. Buy it from your local butcher if possible. If that not possible, buy it for CrowdCow and have it shipped to you.
    Just cooked my first delivery of an assortment of beef. Most awesome.

  2. Not sure about autism but I had a skin condition on my hands that no dermatologist could positively diagnose.
    After some sleuthing on my own, I realized the chemical TRICLOSAN was ever present in my daily routine.
    I did my best of eliminating the crap from my diet and household products.
    Many companies have done away with it and they even banned it in Minnesota.
    It reacted with sunlight, causing the skin to shred away on my hands.
    Extremely painful.
    So far I am healed.

  3. @B-Brad ~ I hear ya bro … ever since I stopped drinking gallons of DDT my egg shell walls have gotten thicker to the point I can hardly peel one of them hard-boiled suckers w/out losing half the white part
    … & now the skeeters are biting the crap out of my legs again

    btw, have a great local butcher that uses only fresh meat …. no chems (other than charcoal) … delicious!

  4. So nobody is going for the ridiculous amount of drug use that was rampent in the 60’s and 70’s? They don’t think that stuff messes with your body / reproductive organs?
    Here’s my thoughts, teen hippies got smashed on everything, because they are still growing, their body is more susceptible to genetic manipulation / damage. They then have kids, with bad genes. That generation is the 80’s, who also got high on everything and had kids. Now we are into the 2000’s and 3 generations into some really degraded genetics.
    Boom – just solved the case for why we see more autism and a high percentage of mental incontinance. Don’t thank me, just straighten the F out and get a grip. Put down the joint and get a job.

  5. “I have no confidence in doctors.”
    They killed my mother. That’s no bull shit. I have chronic hyper tension. Turns out most heavy lifters do. I’m willing to bet Loco’s BP is on the high side.
    So they put me on these meds that make me sicker than shit. Head spinning, head aches, generally dazed and confused. So I google holistic cures for high BP and come up with garlic and Apple cider vinegar. I start taking both 6 weeks out from my next check up. And honestly, i’m not feeling well. They check my BP, way to low. I’m completely off the poison today. I’m a big holistic guy. And I hate doctors.

  6. Loco,

    Wait,wow wow wow, WTF, were you diagnosed as autistic?
    I’m laughing my ass off. Being much faster and smarter than your fucking doctors doesn’t make you autistic son. It just makes you much faster and smarter than you doctors pal. I have a little personal experience with this I’m not willing to go into on a public forum. If your curios Loco, email me through the furry one. I’ll expand.

  7. LBS!
    Not sure about Triclosan, but Cocamidapropyl Betaine is in a lot of soap products, and was the winner of Allergen of the year in 2007. when I avoided it, my dry itchy skin problems waned. It’s hard to find products without it. I even found all Organic shampoo products had it. I’ve been shampooing my hair with Pine Tar Lye soap for ten years now. Works for me. And the Pine tar is soothing to rough dry skin.

  8. “Pine Tar Lye soap for ten years now. Works for me. And the Pine tar is soothing to rough dry skin.”

    A few years back on another forum, we were discussing shaving. I had bought some excellent pine tar shaving soap from a guy in California. Really good, simple stuff, performed great. But some hippies chimed in, fingers wagging, and said pine tar soap causes cancer. I ignored them. I guess they bathe with rainwater and rocks.

  9. In the summer, all the kids in the neighborhood took special attention to the distant sounds of the ice cream truck and a loud truck that sprayed a weird smelling fog. If we heard the ice cream truck, we ran back home for some money. If we heard the other truck, we got on our bikes and waited for it to pass by, then we rode behind it up the street, through that thick cloud, laughing all the way. I’m still laughing.

  10. My brothers and I used to have a tree house at the edge of a corn field and spent hours watching the crop dusters fly a few feet over our heads as they pulled up at the end of the field. I’m sure we were fully powdered in DDT for years watching the underside of the planes. So far – still good for the four of us. The bigger problem for us turned out to be the results of Vietnam.

  11. Lack of vitamin D is more likely the culprit. Kids spend less time playing outside, are slathered with sun screen when they do and nutritionists told us our kids should drink less milk – all natural sources of vitamin D.

    Most mothers of autistic children have been shown to have low vitamin D levels.

  12. Okay guys nobody gets out of here alive…

    And don’t get me started on Big Pharma, oh you already have…

    Short version…

    Have two dead brothers that were hemophiliacs. There’s a clotting agent called Factor VIII that they use to achieve something like normal clotting. They sent out a batch of the stuff that was HIV infected and then found out about the contamination. Had the meeting to discuss what to do as they could recall the product, heat treat it and kill the virus and reissue the product OR everybody keep quiet and deal with the “wrongful death suits” if they find out. WHAT VENUE DO YOU THING THEY TOOK? Killed a fair number of hemophiliacs.

    On the doctor thing, there’s good and bad in any profession. It’s just that when they screw up sometimes people die and/or suffer. Kinda like my judge friend used to say, “Lawyers are like hire gunslingers, except when they miss you get shot.”

  13. One of our favorite forms of entertainment in the late 50’s was to run or ride our bikes behind the ‘bug sprayer’ as it spewed a DDT fog throughout the alleys of Cicero. My brother was born in 1958, miraculously free of autism. So, I call BS. And wonder how many people died when the world banning DDT through the efforts of Rachel Carson.


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