Laundry Disruptor – Rudy Giuliani Sends Letter to Senator Graham Outlining Ambassador Bill Taylor Efforts to Block Witnesses – IOTW Report

Laundry Disruptor – Rudy Giuliani Sends Letter to Senator Graham Outlining Ambassador Bill Taylor Efforts to Block Witnesses

Conservative Treehouse: It was evident several weeks ago that U.S. chargé d’affaires to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, is one of the current participants in the coup effort.  It was Taylor who engaged in carefully planned text messages with EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland to set-up a narrative helpful to Adam Schiff’s political coup effort.

Bill Taylor was formerly U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine (’06-’09) and later helped the Obama administration to design the laundry operation providing taxpayer financing to Ukraine in exchange for back-channel payments to U.S. politicians and their families.

Today Rudy Giuliani has released a letter to Senator Lindsey Graham outlining how Bill Taylor has blocked VISA’s for Ukrainian ‘whistle-blowers’ who are willing to testify to the corrupt financial scheme.   Unfortunately, Senator Graham, along with dozens of U.S. Senators currently serving, may very well have been a recipient for money through the aforementioned laundry process.  So, good luck with the visas.

U.S. senators write foreign aid policy, rules and regulations thereby creating the financing mechanisms to transmit U.S. funds.  Those same senators then received a portion of the laundered funds back through their various “institutes” and business connections to the foreign government offices; in this example Ukraine. [ex. Burisma to Biden]

The U.S. State Dept. serves as a distribution network for the authorization of the money laundering by granting conflict waivers, approvals for financing (think Clinton Global Initiative), and permission slips for the payment of foreign money.   The officials within the State Dept. take a cut of the overall payments through a system of “indulgence fees”, junkets, gifts and expense payments to those with political oversight. read more

20 Comments on Laundry Disruptor – Rudy Giuliani Sends Letter to Senator Graham Outlining Ambassador Bill Taylor Efforts to Block Witnesses

  1. Well, it seems Giuliani has backed Head Fake Graham right into a corner in a “put up or shut up” kinda way. My guess is that every single RINO anti-Trumper, past and present, has been enriched by influence peddling, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Graham is tied in some way to this. I wonder if he’ll approach Trump to see if he can cut a legislative deal to get out from under the microscope.

  2. @ Toxic M – helping. Who else is? Can you say fantastic guard dog?? Pick your bread. He barks with danger, attacks when necessary, and then goes back to sleep until provoked.

    He went down in history once for 9-11 as mayor, he will be know in history for exposing the corruption with the Mob and now with the now what we see the ‘International Swamp’, he is an expert in getting to the bottom of this you see.

  3. Toxic- trust it I say. Rudy knows where the bodies are buried, so to say…he has been building his case for years.

    Why do you think the POTUS, a friend to a top notch investigator lawyer with NYC and DC experience, and not the channels of the state department, he knew to be corrupt or comprised?

    You will get a stocking stuffer like you have not seen.

  4. The media keep pretending to not comprehend that Giuliani has been functioning as a private lawyer. They are gaslighting the public with their ruminations and questions. It’s actually pretty simple:

    A private lawyer can investigate anything he wants to, talk with anyone he wants to, to obtain evidence to defend his client.

    Giuliani was representing Trump in connection with the Mueller investigation. Starting long before Biden was a “candidate”.

    A private defense lawyer, by investigating the facts and second-guessing prosecutorial investigators, is neither doing his client’s unrelated job (in this case, representing the U.S. as president), nor required to “follow the rules” regarding how his client may or may not do his job, nor is the lawyer in some way obligated to consult with or report to the very same authorities (in this case, the DOJ, as in the idiot media questions “did you inform the DOJ”?) who are investigating (in this case, persecuting) his client.

  5. @ Tony R: Yes – I’ve been beginning to think that the ONLY hope is a few very good “wet teams” of Bob Lee Swaggers who can take out most of these scum. It wouldn’t be “just” – and most certainly not so as “justice” is currently defined – but it may be necessary to our Nation’s survival. And, Yes!, I know various delicate ones, there should be a presumption of innocence. But the clear evidence of treasonous corruption is most evident and is being flaunted daily in our faces with assumed impunity.

  6. again, nothing is going to happen to these corrupt politicians unless we deplorables take into our own hands to stop it.

    we cannot expect the criminals to police themselves.

    Trump has proven to be the best president since George Washington.

    Trump cannot do it all by himself

    if we are not willing to take to the streets we have lost our freedom

  7. Giuliani sending a letter to Graham 2.Zero is an exercise in futility. Lindsey will be full of blustery rhetoric until re-election then he reverts back to Chester Milquetoast. We see it EVERY six years.


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