Giuliani Posts Provocative Tweets About His Possible Murder For Uncovering Swamp Dirt – IOTW Report

Giuliani Posts Provocative Tweets About His Possible Murder For Uncovering Swamp Dirt

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12 Comments on Giuliani Posts Provocative Tweets About His Possible Murder For Uncovering Swamp Dirt

  1. Whenever I have seen the mayor speak, over the years, I listen, and I suggest all here do. His record is impeccable from DA to the mayor cleaning up a shithole when he got in and dealing with the 9/11 aftermath.

    Rudy went into the private sector, obviously, his business?? Security, I believe as it relates to internet and such.

    I trust the guy, he and DJT have know eachother for about 30 years plus.

    Call it ‘NY Batman and Robin’, call it what you will, but they kick effing ass.

    Presidents have used envoys since Washington himself.

    We have a good one and a fierce one with Rudy.

  2. Rudy has investigated the Ukraine and the ties to the state dept and Soros. He has the goods.
    He has been trying to get it out but it needs to be acted upon by those who can do something about it. The depth of entanglement by those serving in government is widespread so finding the help he needs is proving difficult.
    AA is absolutely right. Rudy has dumped a hot coal in the lap of Miss Lindsey who likes to talk but little else, he was just put on the spot.


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