Laura Bush on Father-in-Law’s Alleged Sexual Misconduct: ‘Very Innocent’ – IOTW Report

Laura Bush on Father-in-Law’s Alleged Sexual Misconduct: ‘Very Innocent’

Breitbart: Former first lady Laura Bush said on Wednesday that any incidents with women that involved her father-in-law, former President George H.W. Bush, were “very innocent.”

Four women have accused the former president of inappropriate behavior. “I’m just sad that we’ve come to this,” Laura Bush told CNN. “That was something that was very, very innocent that he’s been accused of. But I know he would feel terrible.”

“He would never hurt anybody,” Bush said.

George H.W. Bush, through a spokesman, has apologized for the incidents.

Although Bush didn’t offer a specific remark about the growing movement of women speaking out about sexual harassment, she said she believes her daughters, Barbara Bush and Jenna Bush Hager, “respect themselves and they expect respect from the people they associate with.”  MORE

SNIP:  It’s official. I  can’t stand that entire elitist family.
HW got us Clinton and W got us 0bama. Could you imagine what JEB! could have brought us?

15 Comments on Laura Bush on Father-in-Law’s Alleged Sexual Misconduct: ‘Very Innocent’

  1. I’m not too fond of the Bushes anymore, myself. But the guy’s a WW2 AAF combat vet and he’s 93 years old, ferchrissakes. I’m inclined to cut him a break.

    Besides, now that everybody knows about it, it shouldn’t happen any more. Don’t wanna get groped? Don’t stand next to George.


  2. The only thing the Bushes demand is slavish loyalty.

    Is it innocent when he does it to you and your daughters, Laura?

    At first, I thought this was just Old Timers or senility. These weird defenses are making me think otherwise.

    Why would she say that her daughters respect themselves in response to this?

    Has Grampy taken Jenna and Barb Jr. to the magic show?

  3. The bar is very high for conservatives: zero tolerance. Absolute perfection. The bar for liberals is below ground level. In the gutter. Anything goes; homosexuality, porn, child molestation, abortion, welfare, treason, crime, infidelity, atheism, communism, islam….

  4. Of course, ole Laura thinks what dirty old man Bush did was innocent the retard thinks that what men do to other men in the butt is also sweet and innocent!


    😕 The floodgates are open, and liberals are competing to “out-victim” each other with tales of woe.

    😕 “NO NO! Look at ME, over here, I have a story too!”

    😕 Women are insanely jealous creatures. They will invent utter nonsense like a 4 year old to get the spotlight and sympathy on themselves. “Can I get on t.v. or a magazine cover with my story? Hmmm.”

    😕 Their timing is ATROCIOUS. It’s usually in October before an election, or YEARS (decades) after the fact, and they wonder why people don’t believe them, or AFTER they swallowed buckets of man-juice and became financially comfortable do they claim they were never able to speak up before.

    😕 Credibility of a woman needs a VERY CRITICAL EAR b/c they make up fairy-tales and have alternate universe perceptions about damn-near everything. They are all pretty much like Hillary Clinton. I don’t believe ANY story of a female boss, co-worker, friend, acquaintance, none. I must verify it myself or with a 2nd witness. I am extremely skeptical because I have found out FAR too often that their perception is SKEWED or greatly exaggerated.

    😕 Like my Great-Grandma used to say, (born in 1880s)”The worst thing America ever did was give women the right to vote.” –Boy, was she ever right about that one.

  6. George Herbert Walker Bush lost because he forgot he was Ronald Reagan’s Vice-President, and because his lips couldn’t remember what he promised about no new taxes. And H. Ross Perot didn’t help Bush keep his disappointed conservative voters. I don’t think his recent behavior rises to the level of sexual harassment, just lame, limp humor. As for Jeb Bush, he would have brought us an endless supply of Mexicans coming here for love. Thank you Donald J. Trump for finally putting down the Bushes and the Clintons.

  7. You also have to remember where George H. W. is coming from. Back in the 40’s and 50’s (i.e., before everyone got all politically correct) it was very common for men to engage in bawdy talk and behavior with adult women. As long as you didn’t go overboard, it was generally accepted to be good clean fun, and women would usually go along with it in order to be considered good sports. Many women even encouraged it, because it stroked their egos. Still, you had to know where to draw the line. As long as you did, it was fine with most people. If not, you apologized and adjusted your behavior, lest someone adjust it for you.

    Nowadays, though, everything seems to be a hanging offense. Unless you are LGBTQLSMFT or some other type of victim. Then you can’t help being the way you are.


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