Laura Loomer confronts Huma Abedin about Anthony Weiner’s pedophilia charges & Hillary Clinton’s emails – IOTW Report

Laura Loomer confronts Huma Abedin about Anthony Weiner’s pedophilia charges & Hillary Clinton’s emails

Laura Loomer at it again – confronts Huma Abedin.


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20 Comments on Laura Loomer confronts Huma Abedin about Anthony Weiner’s pedophilia charges & Hillary Clinton’s emails

  1. Twenty years from now people will word search “mongoose likes” with their eyeball implanted telescreens. That picture will appear on page 142 of Wikipedia, five people will see it and wonder. Because no one will work, just collect their robot stipend and extra protein rations for being prolaspe-assbaby incubators.

    They will be hexasexual marsupials, the developing cyborg will draw sustenance from giant, blood infused hemorrhoids bathed in a nutrient-rich fluid bath circuit attached to the prolapse.

    The largest assbaby prolapsemother will be worshipped as a deity, like some prehistoric Pik goddess. Assball players will kneel on eyevid screens across the galaxy when anyone criticizes Her Assness.


    It won’t be near as funny to them.

  2. I’m sure Andrew Breitbart would have approved of this. What a pair of cretinous losers. Thank you making Hillary Rodham Clinton’s matchmaking as successful as her campaign to be the first survivor of Bosnian snipers to be elected President.

  3. @bad_brad

    I don’t approve of it either. The Clintons are the only ones I can think of, living right now, that deserve to be confronted for what they have done every day of their life.
    Huma is no angel, she helped Hillary do her dirty work, but I don’t think she encouraged her husband to perform pedophilic activities. –Seems pointless to hound her about it.

  4. Well, if Sessions and the FBI were actually going to investigate Huma for her role in the Hillary Clinton breach of National Security, I wouldn’t agree with the ambush interview technique.

    But since Sessions, DOJ and FBI have given every elite law breaker a pass from pay to play, benghazi, corrupt Clinton foundation, falsifying records, destroying evidence, unaccounted $Billions from the Dept. of State, insider contracts, Uranium sales to Russia, and preferential treatment for friends and huge contributors.

    DOJ and the FBI remain protectors of the corrupt elite.
    All bets are off, ambush away….if the DOJ and FBI abdicate their role why shouldn’t people press the perp?

  5. Mr Pinko

    Does Huma look like a victim in that sequence? Yes she does. SHIT, I felt sorry for her. We have the momentum. This shit doesn’t help our cause. We need to keep playing by our rules. Sorry if you disagree.

  6. Mr.Pinko

    I totally disagree about Trump sinking to their level. He didn’t go there until they did. The guys the ultimate counter puncher. I say Trump maintained dignity thru this free for all.

    I know we are on the same side, i’m just not sure how much good leftist Guerrilla warfare tactics will serve us.

  7. Mr.Pinko

    It does not matter what you enemy says when you have your foot on their throat. And I do believe DJT has his foot on their throat. One sharp MoFo. We are blessed. As time goes on, the more impressive he is.

  8. Mr. Pinko.

    I hate to admit this, but I’m up early on the west coast. I watch Morning Joe just to check and see if there’s any weak spot in my vascular system. Currently they are inept. DJT has won. Killed them. The last accusation was when Trump meets the sweaty ugly Polish bitch he hugs here in a pornographic manner. While Joe jacks off. They lost the entire country.

  9. I think Huma deserves every bit of discomfort, both privately and publicly that she gets. She is anti-American and there is no telling how much damage she has done to our country. Do I want to be Laura Loomer? No.

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