Law Professor Tells Freshman Students That In Order To Teach Them He Must Un-Indoctrinate Them – IOTW Report

Law Professor Tells Freshman Students That In Order To Teach Them He Must Un-Indoctrinate Them

This is a beautiful speech, one that, sadly, would not be repeated in 98% of classrooms in colleges and universities.

Excerpts from the NewBostonPost-

…“isms” prevent you from learning. You have been taught to slap an “ism” on things that you do not understand, or that make you feel uncomfortable, or that make you uncomfortable because you do not understand them.

… you have been taught to resort to two moral values above all others, diversity and equality. These are important values if properly understood. But the way most of you have been taught to understand them makes you irrational, unreasoning. For you have been taught that we must have as much diversity as possible and that equality means that everyone must be made equal. But equal simply means the same. To say that 2+2 equals 4 is to say that 2+2 is numerically the same as four. And diversity simply means difference. So when you say that we should have diversity and equality you are saying we should have difference and sameness. That is incoherent, by itself. Two things cannot be different and the same at the same time in the same way.

… you should not bother to tell us how you feel about a topic. Tell us what you think about it. If you can’t think yet, that’s O.K.. Tell us what Aristotle thinks, or Hammurabi thinks, or H.L.A. Hart thinks. Borrow opinions from those whose opinions are worth considering. As Aristotle teaches us in the reading for today, men and women who are enslaved to the passions, who never rise above their animal natures by practicing the virtues, do not have worthwhile opinions. Only the person who exercises practical reason and attains practical wisdom knows how first to live his life, then to order his household, and finally, when he is sufficiently wise and mature, to venture opinions on how to bring order to the political community.

If you ever begin a statement with the words “I feel,” before continuing you must cluck like a chicken or make some other suitable animal sound.

much more HERE. And it’s very worthwhile.


13 Comments on Law Professor Tells Freshman Students That In Order To Teach Them He Must Un-Indoctrinate Them

  1. What lucky students to have him as their prof. He is providing an invaluable service far greater than any knowledge they’ll gain in law courses.
    I’m not surprised this is in AL. Haavaad or Yale would never allow these truths in their ivied buildings.

  2. Common sense and reasoning have been sent into retirement by the left. Their entire purpose is to build the ranks of their movement and the benefit of the students education isn’t even part of the mix. What should be standard fare for education is rare as this post proves.

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