Lawmakers call for tax filing and payment deadline extension – IOTW Report

Lawmakers call for tax filing and payment deadline extension

Just The News-

Acollection of more than 100 lawmakers led by Reps. Jamie Raskin of Maryland and Bill Pascrell Jr. is calling for the approaching April 15 tax filing and payment deadline to be pushed back.

The lawmakers called for the deadline extension in a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig and Treasury Department Acting Assistant Secretary of Tax Policy Mark Mazur.

Last year the deadline was extended by three months to July 15. The legislators’ letter said that the people “are still grappling with the massive economic, logistical and health challenges wrought by this devastating pandemic.” read more

9 Comments on Lawmakers call for tax filing and payment deadline extension

  1. Taxes? I know where my tax dollars end up. Right now that place is off limits to me with fencing, razor wire and armed troops meant to keep me off my taxpayer funded land to meet with my taxpayer paid representatives. Why would I want to finance that?

  2. How about eliminating the income and property taxes altogether. There should never have been a property tax since it now makes government the owner of your property not you.

  3. Fine by me I worked through this whole thing didn’t get any stimulus and I claim 0 and still owe a bunch. That’s what I get for not sitting at home making 1k tax free a week and an extra 3500 bucks though.

  4. “Who needs taxes when you have a printing press?”

    Taxes take money out of the economy that printing (actually borrowing) puts into it and helps the money supply under control so we don’t end up with massive inflation as the amount of money available to spend outpaces the amount of goods available to spend it on.

  5. LOCO…..I hate those sons of bitches with all the fires of hell!” ME too. I get enraged everytime I think about having to file even tho I don’t owe. Leave me the !@#$$% alone.

  6. What they aren’t telling you but is probably the case is that while you won’t be in trouble for not paying by April 15, that does not mean it will not be accruing interest after that.

  7. ANON

    Taxes are the driving force behind inflation. Prices either are raised to cover the taxes or workers and companies stop.
    I bet on a big drop in inflation when Ronny fought for tax cuts Summer ’81. Invested my $ in companies that would benefit from low inflation. Bought 6 stocks. Worst was up 100% (“2 bagger”) by ’84. (Had I been more sure I would have good more on margin, Sometimes kick myself for lack of self confidence.). Inflation was 13% 1/81; 1% 1/84.

    I was a CFO and one of my responsibilities was investing $. 90 day Jumbo CDs paid 24% when Ronny came in. All the “experts” said Jimmys inflation would continue. By ’83 jumbo 90 day was only 8%!

    Prime engine of inflation is taxes. Helped by QE!

    Taxes have nothing to do with $ supply. That is the fed; mainly Open Market”; with reserve requirements as a helper.

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