Lawmakers Want Answers On NIH Trans Kids Study That Led To Two Suicides – IOTW Report

Lawmakers Want Answers On NIH Trans Kids Study That Led To Two Suicides

Summit News

The study was titled ‘Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years of Hormones’.

Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate have demanded answers from the National Institutes of Health over a two year study involving prescribing gender changing hormones to hundreds of children, as it emerged that two of the ‘youths’ ended up killing themselves.

As Fox News reports, the study titled “Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years of Hormones,” examined 315 individuals  “between the ages of 12 and 20 who identify as transgender and were given cross-sex hormones.”

The study, involving 240 children, was funded by NIH which admits that “two young people tragically died by suicide.” 

Despite the deaths, the NIH carried on the study to its conclusion.

Over a dozen lawmakers, including Lauren Boebert, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul have penned a letter to the NIH director Dr. Lawrence Tabak. more here

9 Comments on Lawmakers Want Answers On NIH Trans Kids Study That Led To Two Suicides

  1. Just Fauci doing his best Dr. Mengele.
    Just spending some of the $400 Million in “minimum annual royalty,” “earned royalties,” and “benchmark royalties” from Moderna.
    “Moderna has made nearly $37 billion from its COVID-19 vaccines during the pandemic.”

  2. How many of these kids were sterilized or now have health issues as a result of this BS. 2 killed themselves during the study but much regret from this demonic ‘health care’ is likely to come later on in their 20s when they learn they can’t have children, can’t reverse the damage and have health care issues that last a lifetime.

  3. Only a 2 year study and most likely a life of taking hormones. Gee wouldn’t you think they could get it down to a single shot, I thought they were experts like the covid jab experts?

  4. Anonymous at 1:57 pm

    2 out of 240? That’s less than 1%

    That we have heard of. We’ve heard from many of these kids who have regretted what they’ve done to themselves. When they reach the age to reason out reality, and when that reality has sunk in that they made one big ass mistake, they see themselves with no future living a lie. They will be lost souls, that’s the sad part. Good part is, they will never reproduce due to their mistake.

  5. I guess now kids are the experimental subjects of insane health initiatives. For more than 20 years after the Nuremburg laws making experiments on unwilling subjects illegal, black men were given syphilis injections in this country to test outcomes of the disease.

    Kids as young as 12-18 should not be allowed to take these hormones and make transgender decisions.

    NIH is a sickness, not an organization.


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