Lawsuit filed in Michigan alleges ‘massive fraud’ in the election – IOTW Report

Lawsuit filed in Michigan alleges ‘massive fraud’ in the election

Just The News: A lawsuit has been filed in Wayne County Circuit Court in Michigan, alleging “massive fraud in the election vote-counting procedures” during the Nov. 3 nationwide election. 

Wayne County is the largest county in Michigan, with Detroit as the county seat. The population is nearly two million people. 

The suit was brought by the Great Lakes Justice Center (GLJC) on behalf of two Wayne County residents who served as poll challengers and who voted in the election. They have marshalled a large amount of evidence in the form of affidavits from people who, like themselves, personally witnessed fraud and deception, and have come forth with their testimony risking perjury charges if they can be proven to be lying.  

They are charging violations of statutory election laws and of their rights to “election accuracy and integrity,” to a “fraud-free election,” and to their constitutional rights to equal protection.  

Among the allegations by the plaintiffs, as cited in the press release the GLJC put out along with copies of the complaint and the motion for a temporary restraining order (TRO):  MORE

6 Comments on Lawsuit filed in Michigan alleges ‘massive fraud’ in the election

  1. ” …. risking perjury charges if they can be proven to be lying. ”

    It’s hard to prove someone is lying without proof of something else being true and they knew it was true when they made the false claim.

  2. sh)ts getting good. I paid for the front row of this show and i’m gonna see it all the way through. I have an sure foundation on Whom I stand and i know who is going to be President again. Someone bring me some popcorn and a soda cuz i aint leaving.

    And a pizza. Pepperoni and sausage.


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