Lawsuit Names Rosenstein, FBI Officials in Sharyl Attkisson Computer Breach – IOTW Report

Lawsuit Names Rosenstein, FBI Officials in Sharyl Attkisson Computer Breach

Conservative Tree House

According to a recent court filing [Source Here] a person who was engaged in the “wrongful activity” has come forward to provide Ms. Attkisson with details about the operation. As a result of those whistle-blower revelations Attkisson is able to name specific individuals who were running the operation:

Former DOJ Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein is named as the person who was in charge of the operation; and the former head of the FBI DC field office, Shawn Henry is also outlined. Mr. Henry is the head of Crowdstrike, a contractor for the government and a politically connected data security and forensic company. More

More stories and background at Attkisson’s website. Here

9 Comments on Lawsuit Names Rosenstein, FBI Officials in Sharyl Attkisson Computer Breach

  1. There was a video on CFB of Sharyl discussing this. I’ve given up hope we’ll ever see justice served on any of these people but maybe she’ll get a little exposure. And by little I mean almost none.

  2. One more reason to believe Rosenstein is deep state and was placed as assistant AG to coverup the malfeasance in the FBI and DOJ. Up to his eyeballs in the illegal surveillance made him the perfect candidate for the job, He definitely had self interest in helping take out the president and bury any investigation into the corruption.

    It really looks like being compromised is a prerequisite for high office in the deep state. Cash is good, but blackmail works better.

  3. I wonder if Rosenstein is still being showered with effusive praise from the bagpipe man.
    His house is for sale, is he going to bolt or move up to a bigger home with his ill gotten gains?

  4. For the umpteenth billion time I ask… Why the fuck does that fucking piece of shit Rosenstein still have a fucking job with the fucking DoJ?!!!… FFS… What does it take to get some obviously crooked asshole fired over there?!!!

  5. Geez Louis, DC isn’t just a sleazy, slimy, parasite infested swamp, it’s an enclave of in-bred kissin cousins. They are all interconnected and recycled corruptocrats.

    Sadly the lo-fos have no clue who they are and what they are doing: stealing us blind and lording over us like the privileged ruling class.

    Thank God for Charyl’s efforts – a former CBS reporter who found herself on the wrong side of “journalistic protocol” – she told the truth about Benghazi.

  6. ” Will AG Barr ever be prosecuting anyone? ANYONE? ”

    Well, for example: far as I can tell, Barr would have to reinvestigate what Huber did because it was Sessions who appointed Huber. Huber is Sessions’ mistake just like I think Sessions is Trump’s mistake. I think the previous Attkisson lawsuits were started during Sessions. And Huber was supposedly Sessions’ right hand guy. I dunno.

    Whatever happened before Barr isn’t Barr’s fault/problem. However, we will judge Barr by what he and Durham do now. Let’s hope they aren’t another Huber. Ugh.

  7. Atkisson surprised me when she named Rod Rosenstein and his four henchmen as the culprits responsible for the illegal surveillance, hacking and criminal trespass of her computers, phones, cell phones and home. I read her book when it first came out during Obolas regime of terror and I was convinced the main villain was CIAs Brennan, that sworn communist and converter to Mohammedanism.


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