Lawyer Argues That Constitutional Rights End Once Immigrants Are Majority – IOTW Report

Lawyer Argues That Constitutional Rights End Once Immigrants Are Majority

What a dipshit.

A student sued his school after he was suspended for wearing a Trump shirt. The school claimed he was creating a “hostile learning environment.”

The lawyer for the defense argued, in effect, that once the school has a goodly amount of latinos, your free speech ends.


Attorney Peter Mersereau, arguing for the Hillsboro School District, actually claimed: “This particular school district has a population that is one-third Hispanic. This is not Lake Oswego. This is not West Linn.”

Mersereau was effectively arguing that once a community reaches a certain concentration of foreign born students their First Amendment rights are lost and they are to be governed by the laws of the country from which their parents fled.  Interesting.

The judge stopped Mersereau dead, asking, “So First Amendment protections vary from high school to high school?”

Ultimately, Judge Mosman dismissed the school’s defense that Barnes’ shirt might offend some of the largely immigrant school population saying that while the school district is entitled to be concerned about the response of other students to the T-shirt, the “thin” court record so far offers little support for the district’s argument that the shirt could “substantially disrupt” the school.


16 Comments on Lawyer Argues That Constitutional Rights End Once Immigrants Are Majority

  1. Any disruption was caused not by the shirt, but by those who reacted to the shirt. I understand the motivation for school admins to reduce as much as reasonably possible any distractions from the teaching propagandizing going on, but they aimed for the wrong target.

    Anyone who came voluntarily from another country to the U.S. and who then vocally or physically objects to or demonstrates against what’s going on here should, with virtually no additional arguments, be forcibly sent back to wherever they came from.

  2. “might offend some of the largely immigrant school population”.
    Not trying to be too wordy, seems “illegal” is PC’ly missing in the judges response or MSM ignored reporting.

  3. Lawyers don’t give 2 shits about, right or wrong, laws, or the Constitution, only how much money they can make. In this case they were looking at the schools insurance limits.

    Also, I don’t believe anybody has a problem with people who want to immigrate to the United States. The problem is “Illegal Immigrants”. Look it’s right in the title “Illegal”.

  4. @Free Speech Message Board February 22, 2020 at 5:36 pm

    > if the elites decreed that everyone must have their thumbs amputated, Americans would agree that the law makes sense and must be obeyed?

    Of course most of them would! That’s why The United States can’t be rid of them soon enough!

  5. @Cmn¢¢guy February 22, 2020 at 6:04 pm

    > Also, I don’t believe anybody has a problem with people who want to immigrate to the United States. The problem is “Illegal Immigrants”.

    And right on time (which is every. damn. time.), Boomers gotta Boom.

  6. And this sort of bullshit comes from the same people who wonder why such immigrants (who demand special treatment, legal or not) aren’t treated “like Americans.” If you want to be American, remember where you came from, by all means, but in the public square the U.S. flag flies, not any other’s. And we don’t have to be talking about a Third World shithole: I don’t give a damn if someone loves and admires places like England or France, their cultures and laws and for them, and in our nation, OURS are observed.

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