Lawyer Suing Judge Because He Ordered Her Too Remove Her Political Button in Court – IOTW Report

Lawyer Suing Judge Because He Ordered Her Too Remove Her Political Button in Court

Are there affirmative action provisions provided for passing the bar?


An Ohio lawyer who was sentenced to five days in jail for refusing to remove a Black Lives Matter button in court has filed a federal lawsuit, claiming that her free speech rights were violated.

Andrea Burton, 30, of Youngstown, sued Youngstown Municipal Court Judge Robert Milich on Thursday after he sentenced the attorney for contempt of court when she refused to remove the button.

Black Lives Matter is a movement protesting the killing of black people by police officers.

‘He indicated to me he didn’t know if I was trying to seek attention from the news or whatever the case was, but that legally I wasn’t allowed to wear it and I deferred and said that I’m respecting my First Amendment right,’ she told WFMJ.

‘That I’m not neutral in injustice, and to remain neutral becomes an accomplice to oppression.’

Milich told WKBN that his opinions about Black Lives Matter had nothing to do with his decision.

‘A judge doesn’t support either side,’ he said. ‘A judge is objective and tries to make sure everyone has an opportunity to have a fair hearing, and it was a situation where it was just in violation of the law.

‘There’s a difference between a flag, a pin from your church or the Eagles and have a pin that’s on a political issue.’

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26 Comments on Lawyer Suing Judge Because He Ordered Her Too Remove Her Political Button in Court

  1. I am curious: if the KKK is a domestic peace threat, why isn’t BLM? I can’t remember the last time the KKK encouraged riots, burning businesses, beating ‘whitey’ or Trump followers, killing cops, blocking freeway traffic, begging for ‘free stuff’ or a y of the insurrectionist behavior that BLM incites.

  2. That’s true Sam. They are openly spewing hate speech and racism. Are using violence and intimidation and calling for genocide.
    At what point do they become a “hate group”?

  3. A judge must be able to control the discourse which takes place in his courtroom. Anything that is said, even silently, can prejudice the outcomes of cases. This lawyer was being particularly stupid. Does she think that she will ever be viewed the way she/it was prior to this episode in his or any other court?

  4. If the button had read, “F___ the Law and f____ this judge”, that would be free speech too, right?

    Same principle, but somehow I think that would also be disallowed. Maybe even ruled contempt of court.

  5. How about this:
    Just for one night, riot control clad policemen form a line at the edge of the riot.
    The PA system gives them one more chance to disperse. They don’t.
    Then the order is given.
    The front line of police run forward and engage the crowd busting heads.
    The officers behind the line handcuff the prone and bleeding, and the paramedics and the paddywagons wait in another, third line to remove the miscreants from traffic lanes.
    During this massive ass beating where everyone caught on the street is given a hickory shampoo the PA system drones on:
    And let them suck on that reality for a while.
    As the Police tear into the

  6. I pity the black lowlife criminal who gets her as his public defender. He never had a chance. She is nothing but a glorified DMV paper-pusher to whom black lives matter only if they don’t make her do extra work as she sends them down the conveyor belt to prison. She must feel pretty guilty about her daily sellout, or she wouldn’t feel the need to wear that fig leaf.

    Obama loves to rail against the disproportionate number of blacks in prison, but incompetent affirmative action posers like Andrea Burton are just as responsible for putting them there as the judges and prosecutors.

  7. In regards to affirmative action being alive and well in law schools I’d have to say a big yep. Can anyone imagine Obama who showed himself to be the laziest State Senator, the laziest Federal Senator and the laziest President along with being the most do nothing Editor of the Harvard Law Review could have actually gotten a degree in Law from Harvard without help. A lot of help. The high placed insiders that used to be Weathermen Terrorists groupies back in the 60’s gave Obama a free ride at the request of one of Obama’s rabbi’s Bill Ayers.

  8. I remember about 30 years ago a negro “student” received a 1.8 GPA at Georgetown Law School and sued the school, and won, in order to graduate.
    So, yes, I’m convinced that there is an affirmative action angle to the bar, as well.
    I’d never hire one – or go to an affirmative action doctor, for that matter – but there are plenty who would – and this is all a part of the phony economy that’s been put into place for the past 60 years, or so – to give these losers “gainful” employment.
    Lawyers, middle managers, Human Resources Specialists, Sensitivity Trainers, accountants – a vast army of worthless parasites who do little more than comply with gov’t “regulations.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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