Lawyers for IRS whistleblower fire back after Hunter Biden sues IRS, claims agents violated his privacy rights – IOTW Report

Lawyers for IRS whistleblower fire back after Hunter Biden sues IRS, claims agents violated his privacy rights

Blaze: Hunter Biden sued the Internal Revenue Service on Monday, claiming that IRS whistleblowers have violated his privacy rights.

But attorneys for one of the whistleblowers say their client is fully protected by federal law.

The 27-page lawsuit accuses IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler of unlawfully disclosing information about Hunter’s tax information.

The IRS agents, the lawsuit claims, “have targeted and sought to embarrass Mr. Biden via public statements to the media in which they and their representatives disclosed confidential information about a private citizen’s tax matters.” more

8 Comments on Lawyers for IRS whistleblower fire back after Hunter Biden sues IRS, claims agents violated his privacy rights

  1. Guess the Pedo never considered this we he authorized the actions to make PDJTs tax returns public.

    Now the worm has turned. What a stupid dipshit, Demonrats changed the law to ensnare PDJT and only captured Humper. His returns need to go public.

    I wonder what Acme trick those Wiley Coyotes have up their sleeves next . ..

    It’s almost like the Lord God Almighty confounds the enemy into destroying themselves, weird right?

  2. Man up soy boy. Insiders leaked President Trump’s tax returns. Suck it up, crybaby. What are you afraid of, the world seeing what you got away with or what the IRS covered up for you?


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