Images from:
1) Agatha Kakalogical (Ranger) Ranger showing off how he sleeps. We said good-bye to him in May. It was good to find these pictures of him. He was a very sweet dog.
2) Agatha Kakalogical (Ranger) The crossed front legs were his signature style. I still look for him in his favorite chill zones.
3) PHenry (Petey) I think my sisters visit wore out all of us. Including Petey.
4) Old Guy (Claude) my studio cat contemplating something.
5) Old Guy (Violet) in her favorite window with springtime sunshine.
6) Truckbuddy (Sammy) chilling with Mr Bill. OoooNoooooooo!
7) Bo Diddley (Fallow Deer) Nap Time
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
8-13 The Eyes Have It! – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Critter eyes, all species, shapes, and sizes! – Theme idea from Old Guy
8-20 Unusual Critters – What strange and unusual critter have you seen?
8-27 I’m So Proud That I’m Humble – All critters are humble, right? Wait until they do something dumb, THEN they are humble.
9-3 Labor Day – Show us your laborious critters. Or maybe critters watching YOU be laborious.
Very nice photos, contributors, thanks!
Gotta love em!
Thanks, Claudia!
Good morning and thanks Claudia.
I feel a nap coming on.
I don’t see how this could be a pleasant sleeping position…
Good ones.
Deep Purple has something to say about “Lazy”.
Truckbuddy, OHHH NOOO!
…thanks, Lady C, for another good Sunday break. People come and people go, but the pets remain God’s love in fur (or feathers or scales)…
Just chilling
So good to see them all.
Happy Sunday all!!!
On this rainy Sunday morning, everyone at Haus Bayouwulf is feeling extra lazy!
A nap in the sun looks like a good idea.
Thanks for the critters!
My old dog dreams aboot sleeping.
Ranger looks like he was a really nice doggie
wish I had met him
I like his front paws in the second picture- very unusual, crossed that that high
he obviously knew how to get comfy for a snooze
@Toby Miles
Ranger was a sweetheart. He overcame a lot and he left us way too soon!
He also had a missing tooth and he would give a lopsided smile. We called him Snaggletooth.
I miss him every day, but his little heart stopped working and we had to let him go.
I bet Ranger was a character. Take that a a positive statement; as that’s how it’s meant. nice dog! I miss the 7 of mine that are gone! If I go before Angus my son will care for him; and if he goes I will again be broken hearted!
@ ol grunt
Thanks, yes Ranger was a character. We called him Re-A-Ranger because he would go berserk when the mailman came by. If we weren’t home, we’d walk into to rugs accordianed into the corner or the room.
Rescue a dog if you can!!
PS-I’m pre-Milleniial which means, not easily offended 🙂