Le Sigh… If Only That French Train Terrorist Had A job – IOTW Report

Le Sigh… If Only That French Train Terrorist Had A job

Father of French Train Terrorist Says His Son Is a “Good Boy” – Blames EU for Not Finding His Son a Job.


Poor poor Ayoub El Khazzani.
Just sitting there jobless, in a cafe, wearing his
designer hoodie.

17 Comments on Le Sigh… If Only That French Train Terrorist Had A job

  1. The father is a scrap dealer. Why in the name of mohammed didn’t he give the jihadi asshole a job?

    Good boys don’t murder people — 8 loaded magazines = mass murder.

    Good boys don’t cut people up with a utility knife either. If he is an example of a good boy, then every last one of them should be executed before they can carry out any “good” deeds, like this piece of shit tried to do.

  2. GOD Bless our boys that took down that
    filthy muzz scuzz . What would he have done
    with a packed train and an AK if not taken down ???
    Wake up France! Wake up my ancestral home England!
    Wake up America !!!

  3. Wait… in a country, on a continent, where there is a cradle-to-grave “social safety net,” we’re led to believe that sonny was starving? He couldn’t eat at Pa’s table? There is no soup kitchen or benevolent societies where the kid can eat? I know of two places just in the French Quarter – both Catholic run – where the down and out can go to eat in Paris. Also, if he was so damn poor, how did he buy two illegal guns and 9-fully loaded magazines? You can eat a lot of couscous and/or Big Macs (Halal ones, too) in Paris for what that must’ve cost.

    And why couldn’t the old man speak Spanish, despite six-years in Spain? Oh, yeah… ut’s like in the USA, where all your “social services” and everything else is delivered in “one of several languages”.

    Upon review, I call a loud, resounding, BULLSHIT on the, “He a good boy and was only robbing the passengers,” story.

  4. I see the DNC is sharing their daily talking points memo with the muzzie butcher’s now. I’m.sure the DNC arranged the CNN interview.

    “Just keep.blaming the mean republican partisanship and repeating no jobs, no jobs, no jobs.”

    The muzzies have learned a lot from.their mentors in the DNC, I must admit. This is why I laugh when I see a “journalist” get raped or have their head severed on live tv by them. The media is like drugged teenage Charlie Manson girls. They will go to their deaths defending the muzzies. Better that the muzzies kill journalists than American soldiers.

  5. I haven’t really worked since 0bama and depending on who replaces him, I might never work again. I’ve been voting with my income taxes or lack thereof.

    Are you listening NSA?

  6. Lazlo is Hiring,
    I need cannon fodder for my new cannon
    I eliminated the need for cannon balls and chain shot by re purposing things from the Senior Center Thrift Store here in town.
    The silverware is CHEAP! So is assorted crockery.
    Golf Clubs fly great, but the flaming bag starts a lot of fires.

  7. Amen! His story is nothing but a lie. You don’t take an AK and multiple magazines of ammunition on a robbery!

    Once he “Robs” everyone on a moving train what is the genius’s escape plan? Jump off at 100 MPH with his loot?

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