Leaked Doc: Politics Is Top AFL-CIO Priority – IOTW Report

Leaked Doc: Politics Is Top AFL-CIO Priority

WFB: America’s largest union plans on spending more on politics than any other budget item.

AFL-CIO is expected to dedicate 35 percent of its spending on political causes and donations, according to a budget document leaked to Splinter News. The budget, which was unanimously approved by the union’s executive council, sets aside $40 million for political purposes—a $15 million increase from the amount it spent on politics and lobbying according to its most recent federal filings. Political expenditures will eight times higher than the $5 million it plans to spend on “economic power and growth.”

The leaked document sparked criticism from Republican lawmakers and labor watchdogs. Rep. Virginia Foxx (R., N.C.), the top Republican on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, said that the emphasis on politics demonstrates the disconnect between workers and labor officials. Union households helped elect Donald Trump, particularly in Rust Belt states, but AFL-CIO’s endorsements and spending continue to overwhelmingly favor Democrats. Foxx expects that behavior to continue in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election.

“With more Democrats in Congress, Big Labor is only going to sink more money—the dues of their remaining hardworking members—into politics,” Foxx said. “The more Labor bosses use union dues for partisan purposes and to build and protect their own power, the more workers are going to walk away, as well they should.”

The AFL-CIO did not respond to request for comment.

Labor unions spent more than $1 billion on political and lobbying activities during the 2018 midterm elections, topping the amount spent in 2016. Almost all of union donations benefitted Democrats, who were able to recapture controlled of the House of Representatives for the first time since 2011. The AFL-CIO spent about $24.4 million during the 2017-18 fiscal year, about 18 percent of its total expenditures. Labor watchdogs said the latest budget demonstrates that unions will continue to focus on politics, rather than trying to win over new members or advocate for current ones.

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11 Comments on Leaked Doc: Politics Is Top AFL-CIO Priority

  1. Remember this when bankrupt union pension funds ask us to bail them out. These commie thieves should be shoring up their pension funds instead of paying to get democrats/communists elected.

  2. They’ve stolen all they can from their members and now they want to increase their thefts from the taxpayers.
    They can ONLY do that through politics.
    Their pension liabilities are underwritten by the taxpayers.
    Along with MediScam, ObolaCare, Socialist Security, and all the other bullshit “programs” the nihilistic socialists are using to bankrupt us.

    Contrary to popular socialist “thought” – money and wealth aren’t simply political constructs which can be used and abused at the whims of the politburo – they actually DO exist.
    The unions provide a standing shock army for the socialists and they will do anything to ensure that that army remains loyal.
    Unions are traditionally “New World Order” maggots who have followed the orders of the Communist International for nigh on a century – and are not likely to change now. Their loyalties have always been to greed, dominance, anti-Constitutionalism, oppression, and laziness – though they are energetic enough when stirred by their political bosses and masters to evil and destruction.

    izlamo delenda est …


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