Leaked Email: Israeli Officials See Obama as ‘Weak,’ ‘Pro-Muslim,’ ‘Anti-Israel’ – IOTW Report

Leaked Email: Israeli Officials See Obama as ‘Weak,’ ‘Pro-Muslim,’ ‘Anti-Israel’

(CNSNews.com) – Weeks before the Iran nuclear deal was finalized last summer, a former U.S. ambassador reportedly told a senior Hillary Clinton campaign adviser he was struck by “the depth of antipathy and distrust of President Obama” he encountered among Israeli officials and former officials across the political spectrum, who viewed the president as “‘weak,’ ‘pro-Muslim,’ and ‘anti-Israel.’”

The observation is contained in one of a series of emails purported sent by Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat to Clinton campaign adviser Jake Sullivan, among a batch of leaked Clinton campaign-related emails released by Wikileaks late last week and early this week.

“I was struck in my week in Israel, not only among Israeli officials, but among my friends across the political spectrum (most are former officials) and apolitical relatives, at the depth of antipathy and distrust of President Obama, as ‘weak,’ ‘pro-Muslim,’ and ‘anti-Israel,’” says the email, dated June 28, 2015.

Many of the purported emails from Eizenstat to Sullivan contained advice on how Clinton should respond to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal with Iran, and the troubled Israel-U.S. relationship.

Eizenstat, who served in President Bill Clinton’s administration in various capacities including that of ambassador to the European Union, is co-chair of the Jewish People Policy Institute of Jerusalem, an independent think tank.

Reached by phone on Thursday, he declined to comment on the substance of the emails, or the guidance to the campaign contained in them.

“I’m not going to get into the advice,” he said. “It says what it says, and that’s all I can say. I really don’t want to comment except to say, it is what it is.

9 Comments on Leaked Email: Israeli Officials See Obama as ‘Weak,’ ‘Pro-Muslim,’ ‘Anti-Israel’

  1. Most American Jews hate Israel, one I know blames the settlements in the “Palestinian” territories for promoting world wide anti-Semitism.
    How a grown, intelligent, well educated man who lost family in the camps can say something this stupid is beyond me.

    Of course he’s also steadfastly against private ownership of guns.

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