LEAKED EMAIL: White Men Need Not Apply to the DNC – IOTW Report

LEAKED EMAIL: White Men Need Not Apply to the DNC


NTK: The Democratic National Committee (DNC) continually touts its inclusivity, but a leaked email revealed that doesn’t appear to extend to white men.

The Daily Wire obtained an email sent by DNC’s Data Service Manager Madeleine Leader, which listed several openings at the DNC.

In the email, Leader wrote that the DNC was looking for a “staff of diverse voices and life experiences,” but goes on to say this doesn’t include “cisgender straight white males.”  read more

15 Comments on LEAKED EMAIL: White Men Need Not Apply to the DNC

  1. In a coincidental announcement, in 2018 the NFL will field cheerleading squads comprised exclusively of anyone who is NOT young and female.
    No details on if these pompommers should be talented or attractive by anyone’s measure.

  2. A true Liberal white man already knows he has no right to be anywhere near the DNC. He has no legitimate claim to rule or represent those oppressed by his kind.

    I’m shocked so many white liberal men are reporters or commentators who feel that anyone wants to hear them share their invalid opinions on tv. I wish they’d all take a fist full of fentanyl and make way for the true master race.

    It’ll save a messy Democrat primary season from its rightful heirs. Two dozen Keef Ellisons and three dozen Maxine Waterses trying to take back the House and Senate.

    The promised land! 40 acres and a Mueller.

  3. The People of our country didn’t like the Democrats ideas , so they switched the citizenry of the Country to include entire populations of Mexicans ans Muslims . Now to expedite a return to victory they’re changing who they Run for Office, by running the candidates who resemble those populations they’ve Imported !!!

  4. I’m a bull dike Eskimo trapped in a white man’s body. It works for me and my wife. Problem solved for the diversity quota.

    Something tells me all they will see is a nuclear family and that we are white.

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