Leaked Emails Call for Censorship of Michael Moore’s New Film – IOTW Report

Leaked Emails Call for Censorship of Michael Moore’s New Film


 “It must come down off your pages immediately.”

Medium author Matt Orfalea has written a piece published June 1st that shows a revealing look into the Josh Fox’s campaign to get Planet of the Humans removed from YouTube.

In a now deleted tweet, the copyright claimant responsible for the takedown, Toby Smith, called the movie a “baseless, shite doc built on bull-shit”. Smith later admitted he filed the copyright claim because he doesn’t agree with the film’s message.

On April 22nd, Fox sent emails to colleagues and public relations professionals  describing the film and demanding it’s removal from various platforms.

From: ​Josh Fox​
Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 12:41 AM

Dear friends-

I am so sorry to have to be the messenger here.


This new Michael Moore movie, is, to put it politely

It is a disgusting unfactual unscientific abomination.

You must take it down ASAP.

I am so serious.


15 Comments on Leaked Emails Call for Censorship of Michael Moore’s New Film

  1. I’m so sorry this has happened to you Josh Fox. Your life must be utterly meaningless to passionately embark on such a loser campaign. Now I hear your mommy calling. It’s time for your breastfeeding.

  2. The “White Whale” has. to find a way to make payments on his tab at McDonalds, he may have a “Moby Dick” as well. but only his doctor knows for sure.

  3. He is a fat asshole, but this movie shows how much bullshit the green energy bandits have peddled and in many cases proven to be much worse to the environment that anyone would have imagined.

    You should watch it, not with a grain of salt but a huge sack of salt, because some of what he says is true.

    Over a decade of ignoring real pollution like plastic waste was wasted as the greenies tried to literally regulate and tax the air we breathe. I DO NOT believe CO2 (plant food) is a pollutant.

    Take some of Fat Assholes arguments and throw them in other leftie faces.

  4. “It has absolutely no factual basis.”
    If you make such a claim you should have a few concrete examples of verifiable lies from the film
    Otherwise your screaming is pure hyperbole.

    “It encourages the most baseless kind of thinking.“
    The left simply cannot tolerate thinking.
    They lose their base when people think and use logic.

  5. “This new Michael Moore movie, is, to put it politely

    It is a disgusting unfactual unscientific abomination.”

    …so, you’re saying it’s a standard Michael Moore movie.

    …I mean, really, the guy’s been lying his ass off ALL ALONG, but you were OK with it as long as your politics coincided…but now, he’s not in perfect alignment with you, so CANCELCANCELCANCEL!

    …Honestly, I’d always HEARD revolutions eat their own children, but it’s SURE gonna take awhile for you to digest THAT one…


  6. I watched the movie on YouTube before they took it down. It actually does a fairly good job of showing how stupid “green” energy is. I’m sure it was an inadvertent revealing. The environmental leaders are exposed as collaborators with the big-money green scams. That portion I’m not going to spend my time figuring out whether or not is true. The final conclusions are the only way to save the planet are population control and less consumption. I’m sure a fatty like Moore isn’t going to get behind less consumption. He’d rather have 3-4 people killed off so he can their meager portion of food.

  7. Regardless of the agenda, we still live in a country where we have the right to watch a total crock of shit and speak our minds… for now. This trend towards censorship and banning everything you don’t agree with is getting very… Marxist.

  8. You really should watch “Planet of Humans”……

    and see how it was corrupted by their main players and international companies….

    To make money to waste resources and suck up government and foundation moneys….

    The Green Movement is a scam…..only for a few to make obscene amounts of money.

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