Leaked Hillary Clinton Speech to Foreign Bank: ‘My Dream Is a Hemispheric Common Market with Open Trade and Open Borders’ – IOTW Report

Leaked Hillary Clinton Speech to Foreign Bank: ‘My Dream Is a Hemispheric Common Market with Open Trade and Open Borders’

Breitbart: In closed-door remarks delivered to a foreign bank, Hillary Clinton declared that her “dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.”

This statement from one of Clinton’s private paid speeches was discovered in leaked emails of Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, which were made public by WikiLeaks.

One email, which provided partial transcripts of some of Clinton’s speeches, reads in part:

*Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. *

“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 28]

In her remarks to Banco Itau, Clinton also denounced the idea of putting up barriers to global trade, a statement which will likely raise concerns with grassroots and working-class voters in her own party. “We have to resist protectionism, other kinds of barriers to market access and to trade,” Clinton said.  MORE

7 Comments on Leaked Hillary Clinton Speech to Foreign Bank: ‘My Dream Is a Hemispheric Common Market with Open Trade and Open Borders’

  1. Hillary idiotiousy spewed, “…green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth…”

    After 20+ years of government funneling 100s of billions into their crony’s hair brained schemes of windmills and solar farms along with electric cars, CAFE standards, mandating utilities buy non fossil fuels, shutting down coal fired plants over microscopic levels of pollutents, no new nuclear plants in decades…why ain’t she getting the message?

    Is “powering” their new buzz word?

  2. I’ll bet she sits there and envisions herself sitting in a Ivory Tower as ruler of the North America Union. Cursing herself that she won’t live long enough to be leader of the One World Govt.

  3. What the Hag wants is to surrender sovereignty to a UN like body with herself at the head (Queen of the world) so she can hand over Indonesia and Africa to the Caliphate for tribute and as a a trade for peace during her tenure.

  4. It is not nice to allow judgement of ugly intellectual concepts, (like Hillary’s political views,) to be influenced by ugly aesthetics; but, I couldn’t help peek under Hillary’s blue coat in the picture at the top of the Breitbart link and see the Barron Harkonnen’s body.

  5. I wonder how long she had to stare at the thesaurus to come up with the word ‘hemispheric’ in that context? Because how does ‘hemispheric’ apply to the ‘global’ market?

    Sounds kind of one-sided to me….

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