LEAKED: Soros-Backed, Multi-Million Pound Plot to Thwart Brexit in 6 Months – IOTW Report

LEAKED: Soros-Backed, Multi-Million Pound Plot to Thwart Brexit in 6 Months

Breitbart: Leaked papers have revealed how the foreign-funded group ‘Best for Britain’ hopes to spend a £5.6 million war chest on subverting or overturning the British people’s vote to leave the European Union (EU).

The group, backed by the billionaire open borders advocate George Soros, is to launch a six-month campaign, including a massive advertising and social media propaganda push and a speaking tour by Europhile politicians.

They have already amassed a £2.4 million fortune and are asking a further £3.2 million from wealthy and foreign donors to interfere in UK politics, telling them: “We have less than six months to stop Brexit.”

They aim to convince MPs to vote down Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal, whatever is agreed, claiming it is “not what we voted for”, and mobilise leftist unions into convincing Labour to not back Brexit, the Daily Mail reports.

According to the 26-page leaked document seen by the paper, they will claim Brexit will pose a national security risk, blame Brexit for funding cuts to local councils, and claim that Leave voters are rejecting Westminster politics rather than Brussels.  more

9 Comments on LEAKED: Soros-Backed, Multi-Million Pound Plot to Thwart Brexit in 6 Months

  1. Isn’t this the type of collusion Bueller-mueller is looking for?

    How about investigating Soros for trying to collude to overthrow American elections?

  2. @The Rat Fink May 25, 2018 at 4:19 pm

    > I think a Sidewinder missile would fit thru his bedroom window… don’t you?

    Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

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