Lebron James Disrespects Our National Anthem – IOTW Report

Lebron James Disrespects Our National Anthem

He wouldn’t disrespect the Chinese anthem, would he?


17 Comments on Lebron James Disrespects Our National Anthem

  1. the founding fathers risked everything, EVERYTHING INCLUDING THEIR LIVES, to create this country. The least one of these billionaire owners could do is tell them to behave.

    Our nation has deteriorated to such a state that this is acceptable behavior.

  2. He dribbles and plays with balls.
    Barely speaks English (his (I assume) native tongue).
    This is what passes for a “wise philosopher” (sort of like a “wise latina”) in 21st Century America.

    Play with your balls.

    Why would anyone care what this guy thinks(?) or is told what to “think?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. He’s a living example of what the Constitution, Bill of Rights, National Anthem is all about – from a fatherless hoodrat to multimillionaire in a just a few years. His race, class and background was never a factor.
    Yet, this ignorant fool decides to squat and crap where he eats. What a Deep State Anti-American traitorous tool.

  4. willysgoatgruff, that was cleverness by mistake, now corrected. Appreciate the credit, though.
    The way the left distorts and misrepresents the true intentions of those rights created by the Founding Fathers, there certainly is some “bilking” going on.

  5. Beyond the shadow of any doubt, he COULD NOT have graduated from a HS.

    Did you ever see those National Geographic specials where the elder gorilla would reprimand any juveniles when they acted up?
    Shaq needs to go pound some sense into leBufone’s thick skull.

  6. If anyone thinks this will cost the NBA anything, they haven’t been paying attention to the NBA and it’s audience for a long, long time

    The NBA nowadays is further left than drag racing — drag queen racing, that is


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