LeBron James Refuses to Pay to Keep His Twitter Blue Check Mark – IOTW Report

LeBron James Refuses to Pay to Keep His Twitter Blue Check Mark

RedState: LeBron James is one of my favorite follows on Twitter, and he is about to become non-verified with his account’s blue check mark removed. However, I know I will be able to tell it is truly him because no one has that unique point of view that he has, which can be summed up in one word.


More on that in a minute.

NBA Superstar and non-G.O.A.T. LeBron went to Twitter earlier on Friday to offer his two cents on the new Twitter rule that Elon Musk is about to implement: charging for a blue check mark.

Here is what he opined.

From the Insider

On the eve of the next era of Twitter, LeBron James is taking a stand.

According to Elon Musk, Twitter plans to retire legacy verified accounts this week, meaning that the only people who will hold onto their blue checkmarks are those that elect to pay for Twitter Blue.

As Twitter has been a free website for the entirety of its existence (save for the mental toll it takes on its users), many tweeters have sworn against paying a monthly subscription in exchange for a blue check that has lost any of the value it used to hold.

On Friday, James counted himself amongst them.

Welp guess my blue checkmark will be gone soon cause if you know me I ain’t paying the 5.

I think it is actually 8 dollars a month, Kobe wannabe, but I’m not sure exactly, being I have not checked out the rules to get one of those sweet, blue check marks yet. more here

16 Comments on LeBron James Refuses to Pay to Keep His Twitter Blue Check Mark

  1. Seems like a childish way of doing things. Is it that big of a deal to have a check mark by your name? Is this mark the same as showing the public you paid $2 to say something? I don’t really care who has a mark by their name, is what they’re saying relevant?

  2. Ah, so when he said,”LeBron James is one of my favorite follows on Twitter”, it was an April Fool’s thingee, now it makes sense.

    I will say one good thing about Lebron, at least he hasn’t been married 6 times with 15 kids, that record (the last time I checked) goes to ex-NBA player Calvin Murphy, 15 kids with 9 different baby momma’s.

    Speaking of The GOAT, and admitting that nobody is watching, there is a young lady that plays college basketball for Iowa that is doing what nobody has done, man or woman, like ever. She is a diminutive white girl, Caitlyn Clark, who is putting up numbers that defy reality. I did something last night that is a first, I watched a girl’s college game. Caitlyn single-handedly put Iowa in the finals. The daughter of an HS coach from a small town, and the whole town was there to root her on. It was a lot of fun to watch.


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