Lebron James’ School – HE DIDN’T BUILD THAT – IOTW Report

Lebron James’ School – HE DIDN’T BUILD THAT

The taxpayers are largely footing the bill for a school Lebron James is largely taking the full credit for. His foundation (not him personally, mind you) will kick in the initial 2 million (a spit in the ocean when taking the long view), the rest will be on the taxpayer’s back.

Typical leftist bullshit, use other people’s money and then feel wonderful about yourself when others do the heavy lifting.





18 Comments on Lebron James’ School – HE DIDN’T BUILD THAT

  1. At the Derek Zoolander Center For Children Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too, we teach you that there’s more to life than being really, really ridiculously good-looking.

  2. I appreciate that Lebron gave some of his money to support education. But he should consider the consequences before creating such a commitment for others. When I give money it is either to an organization or cause I know has worked in the past, or to one I am willing to monitor and make sure does the right thing.

    As I recall some other wealthy people gave money to schools, in particular I remember Zuckerberg giving $100 million to Newark schools. How well did that turn out??? https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/27/business/dealbook/the-melting-of-mark-zuckerbergs-donation-to-newark-schools.html
    (I linked to a lib news site just for emphasis on how bad a failure it was)

  3. I was reading a debate between 2 peeps on another forum earlier about this. Much like this, the common sense folks point out Lebron is not paying 100% for the school so he should stop taking credit for it like its all coming out of his generous pocket.

    The leftist retort – “Oh yeah. Well I bet that LJ has given out more money for the community than you have.”

    What an asinine statement to make. Lebron worth millions, the thread commenter most likely an average American worker who would have to work 10 years to make what LJ makes in a 1/4 of a season of game playing. What a stupid comparison to make, but that’s lefty logic for you. As if both people are on the same financial footing.

    Might as well say LJ gave more to charity this year than every homeless person in America combined since the country was founded. Now he can pat himself on the back and feel morally superior LMAO.

  4. Dear Dan, it’s not his money. When b-ball players get signed by big companies for endorsements, one of the perks they all get is a “foundation’ set up in their name. It’s not like every single NBA player sets out to play ball in order to build orphanages. Hell, most of them don’t know how to set up tax free foundations in order to protect their assets from civil forfeiture..

    The point is, LeBron is a dick. Everyone knows he’s a dick. He’s always been a dick. Spending 2 million in order to cheat taxes is a dick move.

    So if all those kids want to go to a school that has a giant black penis as its mascot, so be it.

  5. It will fail. Mismanagement will be the number one reason. Since it’s a public “socialism indoctrination” school, there will not be any incentive to do the right thing. Integrity won’t be a factor.

  6. The free promo of this ‘school’ on the ‘news’ showed lots of chiilren.
    I didn’t see one white one. No more whites left in NE Ohio?!

    If it received public money and is discriminating on the basis of race, LeBron should be fined that amount and made to pay it personally. Then he needs his size 16 sneaker shoved up his ass. Another hypocrite dickhead who can’t respect an American president unless it’s a Kenyan criminal that does oral.

  7. I saw a report on network news the other day about the school. They did a walk-through with Lebron. I noticed the large mural on the wall; it’s hand-painted, beautiful, and it’s all black athletes and MLK, etc.

    I ask sincerely: Are black children unable to be inspired by a white person? Is there no white person that can be put forth as a role-model to a black child? When I was younger, there were many blacks I admired and wanted to emulate- athletes, musicians, singers, etc.

    Before posting this I watched several videos on Lebron’s school. The school is for at-risk 3rd and 4th graders. While it is mostly black, there are a few children who are of other ethnicities. Interestingly enough, all of the teachers appear to be white.

  8. Like Aaron Burr has pointed out, this is an orchestrated move with lost of handlers involved. And as Left Coast Dan points out, lots of money thrown at something in a failing system does not a health school make.

    When I first found out about the school, I was like, “Man, how much is this going to cost him in the long run?” Then I found out that there was tax money involved (and more than he was paying). Like most, it appears that the spin is it is all Lebron.

    I feel like this is much like his idols Hillary. Hillary donates most all of her wealth to the Clinton Foundation. This is all about PR for Lebron coming off as a white knight. He doesn’t seem to have intellect or organizational ability of an Oprah to pull this off himself, so if it fails, he will be blaming others.

    And speaking of Oprah, does anyone remember how her school started off there in lovely South Africa with sexual and child abuse scandals. To her credit, she has invested $140 million and regularly flys out to spend time with the students. (Is LeBron stepping up to do the same here?)

    For most of us, we neither have the funds or fame to accomplish anything like this, however, it seems like things like this are used to justify bashing other people who might criticize athletes in anyway. Given how Lebron feels about Trump, does Kobe Bryant (a man who is basically a self-admitted rapist of hotel staff) get a pass a)because he is charitable b) because he is an accomplished person and we all make mistakes c) he is a bro or d) All of the above.

    I would also like to find out about Lebron’s feelings about Minister Farrakhan given the Muslim style beard he and a few others are sporting around the NBA (cause you guys ain’t Amish).

  9. This is a load of fetid road apples.
    LaBomba is a ignorant black man who is good at playing a child’s game with a ball.
    Impress me James, start something that does something other than inflate your 80psi ego.
    If you make it all about you, it isn’t really caring.

  10. This isn’t $2 million. If it went through a foundation (even if it’s his own) it’s likely it’s a tax deductible one. That being so then Lebron gets a $2 million income tax deduction. Not sure how much that saves as it depends on how much his taxable income is after the roomful of accountants and tax lawyers, he no doubt has, are finished with his return.


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