Lefist Loons Are Outraged by Food Appropriation – IOTW Report

Lefist Loons Are Outraged by Food Appropriation

16 Comments on Lefist Loons Are Outraged by Food Appropriation

  1. Soooooo … niggrahs gotzta go back ta eating rotten Hippo and trounced tribesmen?
    Chinamens cants eat no mo beef?
    Mexicans gotza make dem tacos outta donkey?
    Engrish gotza giv up dere tea?
    Frogs gotza go back to eatin … well … Grease Man said “Can’t get a round mouth from eatin a square meal!”
    Venezuelans gottza go back to eatin dirt?
    Krauts can’t have nuthin but sausage and schnitzel?
    Ragheads have to eat (chew and swallow – not lick and tickle) their lovers (goats)?

    Don’t sound fair!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. When I was a kid (six years old), I had worms. Possibly from eating mud pies or road kill. Hey, I was an adventurous kid. Yeah, it was some sort of cultural appropriation of some kind.

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