Left attacks Left at Buttigieg Event – IOTW Report

Left attacks Left at Buttigieg Event

This IS a farce.

20 Comments on Left attacks Left at Buttigieg Event

  1. FWIW, Democrats attacking a BLM activist pictures from a campaign rally video should make a good campaign poster to use in Black neighborhoods.

    Not that the Republicans would actually do that in their quest to be nice guys.

  2. I really hope the Dems nominate Buttplug if Creepy Joe fails to launch. He’s more unremarkable than BHO.

    Besides the fact that Americans, especially Blacks, aren’t going to elect an open homosexual, can you visualize this guy in a debate with President Trump?

    Only Creepy Joe would be more entertaining.

  3. I thought the candidate’s last name was Buttplug?

    These Left On Left incidents always remind me of a disemboweled Hyena, snapping at its own entrails. Num num num….delicious!


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