Left Calls For Doxxing One Of Their Own Trolls – IOTW Report

Left Calls For Doxxing One Of Their Own Trolls

A women sitting in a section occupied by Code Pink proudly displayed a sign nearly everyone would agree was distasteful and inappropriate  during the Salute to America in D.C. yesterday.

Only the left called for the person to be identified and destroyed online. More

4 Comments on Left Calls For Doxxing One Of Their Own Trolls

  1. Her message was as clear as holding up one piece or a 10,000 piece jigsaw picture and expecting the audience to guess the rest.

    What a ducking Fummy!

  2. Buried among the other twits is one “@Nickarama” who twat:

    It’s wrong to use people’s deaths like that for any political purposes.

    Why not, Nick? If people are dead in circumstances that have a political cause or a political solution, why not use those deaths?


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