Left Cries About President Attacking Institutions While Trying To Pull Down The Foundations Of Our Society – IOTW Report

Left Cries About President Attacking Institutions While Trying To Pull Down The Foundations Of Our Society


When they aren’t too busy telling us the sky is falling, legacy media love to remind us that war is being waged on American institutions.

“American institutions are ‘under assault’ by Trump,” the Washington Post warns. “The President is winning his war on American institutions,” says the Atlantic, adding “If he’s given a few more years, the damage to American democracy will be irreversible.” More

5 Comments on Left Cries About President Attacking Institutions While Trying To Pull Down The Foundations Of Our Society

  1. “If he’s given a few more years, the damage to American democracy will be irreversible.”

    Let’s hope so. Pure democracy is incompatible with a constitutional republic.

  2. Liberal “American institutions:”

    Open borders
    Critical Race Theory
    Ballot harvesting and voter fraud
    Efforts to abolish the Electoral College
    Federal money for Black Lives Matter, PBS, Planned Parenthood, etc.
    Pork barrel spending
    Bailouts of bankrupt Democrat cities, counties and States
    Federal aid to the UN, WHO, etc.

  3. The Marxist street thugs and their low level enablers, the educrats and the disruptive mid level communists are all in for a very painful, even fatal surprise if they ‘win’. They’ll be the first to go to the camps. The broad, paved road to utopia can not tolerate disruptive complaining parasites so they will be removed. Ta Ta wreckers and kulaks, Ta Ta.


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