Left Eats Left- Feminist Barred From Pub For Wearing Transphobic Teeshirt – IOTW Report

Left Eats Left- Feminist Barred From Pub For Wearing Transphobic Teeshirt

Her teeshirt depicted the dictionary definition for woman.

Somehow this wasn’t inclusive enough, because adult males are women too, and she risked offending the loons that hold this unscientific opinion, and we can’t have that!!!


Ms Weshbale claims that nothing unusual happened during her visit until she spoke to a fellow customer, a gay man called Mika Johnson.

She sat next to him and asked how he was but he made it clear that he did not wish to speak to him.

Around half an hour later the member of staff spoke to Ms Weshbale and told her she could not stay at the pub as she had been upsetting other customers and Mr Johnson was crying.

She told the Mail on Sunday: “She mumbled a bit about [my T-shirt] being transphobic and that I had been transphobic previously.

“She then said I was barred and that she had been nominated by the other bar staff to come to tell me that.”

That same day Mr Johnson took to Twitter to speak of his distress.

He posted: “When you’re trying to relax in your fave pub and there is a TERF [trans exclusionary radical feminist] wearing an anti-trans T-shirt… it’s disgusting and I’m so upset by it.”


ht/ jd hasty



20 Comments on Left Eats Left- Feminist Barred From Pub For Wearing Transphobic Teeshirt

  1. “He posted: “When you’re trying to relax in your fave pub and there is a TERF [trans exclusionary radical feminist]…”

    Could be that she is not a radical feminist, could be that she is a classical feminist in the mold of Christina Hoff Sommers or Camille Paglia. The screwball radical left will not tolerate dissent from any quarter

  2. “…and Mr Johnson was crying.”


    *catches breath*
    I’m gonna have to agree with the t-shirt and the feminist.
    How weird is THAT?!
    But the feminist and her other fem npc’s brought this shit on themselves and they’re going to have to fix it on their own. The rest of us cannot help them.

    This is like sending the army to the middle east. We should only lob bombs if they are messing with us directly. Otherwise let them destroy themselves. lol

  3. 1. She was there with her girlfriend…so just being a lesbian is no longer good enough for the radicals.
    2. She can come back after having a discussion with staff to “understand” the issue…honey, there ain’t no understanding any of this hot mess.

  4. Is there a little LGBTQRST…. closet industry that spends it’s time coming up with trendy little acronyms like this TERF? I’m quite sure this crying little man couldn’t have come up with this on the spur of the moment as upset as he was sitting beside a dictionary definition. I guess it’s like a secret society that hands out a list of them at the same time you get the secret handshake and decoder ring. What an asshole this man and the pub workers are. I’d bet if a secret ballot were held among the patrons between who to keep and who to boot they gay schlep would find himself crying on the curb.

  5. …it IS a fact that the domestic enemies of the United States are comprised of many disparate and totally incompatible groups. Gay and Muslim, Trans Man and Feminist, Communist and Billionaires, all in an uneasy truce, united by nothing more than a shared hatred…FOR US.

    Each group feels that it can use the other group to destroy the forces that keep them from their totalitarian dreams – Christianity, Second Amendment proponents, smart people they don’t control, and generally decent people – and then be able to easily master the tool they used to get rid of us once they get there. They really haven’t thought it through any further than THAT, and SOME of them haven’t thought at ALL beyond whatever empowers their perversions in this particular moment.

    So it’s not surprising that cracks may appear sometimes.

    It’s not enough, though. They will paper it over, the MSM will keep it mostly out of the news so the hurt fweewings won’t be allowed to spread, and they will turn to the next description of how Trump/Deplorables/Christians/conservatives are the scum of the earth, and close ranks again against US.

    …and some really WANT a conflagration.

    Shi’a Muslims want the WHOLE WORLD to go up, because they have been taught that massive, worldwide death and destruction, even if they CAUSE it, will bring out the 12th Imam to rule the world as a Muslim paradise. A sanitized version of “twelver” mythos is at the link below. It’s pretty unsettling, but what about Islam is NOT?

    …Others, like Democrats, don’t care if the country is ruins, as long as THEY rule the ruins. They’re pretty sure their money and power will let them survive, and that they will always have brown shirts to stomp whatever opposition may survive the holocaust. Witness this Twitter exchange by Democrat “Representative” Eric Swalwell concering HIS approach to the Second Amendment:

    “After Joe Biggs tweeted that Mr. Swalwell “wants a war” over the Second Amendment, Mr. Swalwell responded, “And it would be a short war my friend.”

    “The government has nukes.Too many of them. But they’re legit,” the congressman tweeted. “I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.””


    Sure, guy, nuke fellow Americans who dare assert the Constitution and the rule of Law. THIS is someone the Muslims can support, at least for awhile…

    …and they ALL want to bring down Christianity, although for different reasons, but the binding tie being that it is in their WAY. How DARE someone say there’s a Higher Power than the State or the Self? Let’s kill THAT guy, too, even God, especially if he’s not, say, Black enough, as James Cone once said…
    ‘If God is not for us, if God is not against white racists, then God is a murderer and we had better kill God.’
    -“A Black Theology of Liberation” (1970)

    …yep, there’s someone who’s pretty anxious to get his way, and doesn’t care WHO he has to ally with or WHO he has to bulldoze to get his way.

    …There’s a lot more, but this is already TL:DNR, so I’ll stop with the wisdom of Batman to explain what sort of people we’re up against…

    “…some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, … Some men just want to watch the world burn.”
    -Michael Caine, “The Dark Knight”

  6. Supernightshade: “…So it’s not surprising that cracks may appear sometimes.”

    That is pretty much why that ‘guy’ was crying. His crack wasn’t getting the respect he thinks it deserves. I’d rather he keep that crack, no matter how much he paid, or what was removed to get it, out of public view.
    He is an adult crack baby. Someone should have told him it was time to go dilate.

  7. I agree, MJA: let them self-destruct on their own.

    (At the same time, I laughed when the poor little Mika cried and cried….. Geesh!)

    …..Lady in Red

    PS: Can you imagine being related to “sad little Mika” and having to invite him for birthday parties and Christmas…? …..smile….

  8. I too once had someone tell me I had to leave because I’d offended someone else.

    I had the presence of mind to loudly exclaim, “That’s very offensive!” My would-be ejector said, “What??” Me, “You say that if I offend someone, I have to leave?” Her, “Yes, we can’t have people being offended!” Me, “So, according to your own rules, YOU MUST GET OUT! You have OFFENDED ME!! LEAVE!!”

    True, that.

  9. A new dimension of NEWSPEAK, right before our very eyes! Surf and Turf, a great menu item, now has become SERF and TERF, a recipe for disaster.

    Asteroid, Asteroid, wherefore art thou, Oh Asteroid??

  10. I just want to see the ridiculous game of rock paper scissors amongst the staff trying to delegate someone to essentially pick up the clean end of the turd for the night.


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