Left-leaning Outlet In CO Says Hickenlooper ‘Making Stuff Up’ On Death Penalty – IOTW Report

Left-leaning Outlet In CO Says Hickenlooper ‘Making Stuff Up’ On Death Penalty


A left-of-center news outlet in Colorado says presidential candidate and former Colorado governor John Hickenlooper is exaggerating his track record on the death penalty while on the campaign trail.

The death penalty has been a significant policy issue for Colorado over the last decade as Democrats have sought to repeal the punishment in the state.

The left-leaning Colorado Independent said the former two-term governor “started flat-out making stuff up when he went on to suggest that, as governor, he encouraged a broad dialogue about capital punishment, its effectiveness and whether it’s being meted out fairly.”

In May of 2013, the execution of Nathan Dunlap was fast approaching. Dunlap had been convicted of killing four people and seriously injuring another in a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant in 1993.

Rather than commute the sentence, Hickenlooper issued a “temporary reprieve,” meaning Dunlap’s execution would only be put on hold, and the next governor could potentially lift the reprieve and allow the execution to go forward.

“He did not make a decision,” former state Republican chairman Dick Wadhams told the Washington Free Beacon last month. “He found a third way that I don’t think anybody was aware existed, and that is: Kick it to your successor.”

After issuing the Dunlap reprieve, Hickenlooper said he wanted to use the moment to engage in a “statewide” conversation, something he’s now selling on the presidential campaign trail as part of his record of being a consensus-builder.

“What we’ve done in Colorado is a statewide conversation on the death penalty, and I mean it doesn’t deter,” he said recently on CNN. “I mean of the states that got rid of the death penalty 40 years ago have no more homicides or mass killings than states that execute people multiple times a year.”

“But such a discussion never happened under Hick’s watch,” the Independent wrote.

“Not even close.”  more

6 Comments on Left-leaning Outlet In CO Says Hickenlooper ‘Making Stuff Up’ On Death Penalty

  1. Hickenloopers involvement behind the scenes of the murder of Colorado’s head of prisons Tom Clements…https://www.foxnews.com/us/no-one-could-change-evan-ebel-not-even-the-prison-reformer-he-may-have-killed

    He had a relationship with the father, Jack Ebel and probably pulled some strings to get Evan released early.
    There is also an involvement with the Saudi rapist who wants to be deported, He probably paid for the hit on Tom Clements..https://coloradopeakpolitics.com/2013/10/31/unconscionable-convicted-saudi-rapist-with-al-qaeda-ties-wants-out-of-prison-liberal-paper-leaps-to-defense/….

    “Howdy Doody” Hickenlooper is a scumbag…

  2. Comrade Clueless was unwilling to perform his sworn duty as Governor of Colorado and fulfill the jury’s verdict in one of the worst multiple murder cases in the State’s history. He deserves the ignominious treatment he is going to receive as he is ignored by the voters who aren’t buying his moderate brand of nothingness.

  3. There are a lot of lefties in CO that do not like Hickenlooper. He was not radical enough. They were enraged and chased a beer named after him out of a restaurant in Boulder County a few weeks ago over his lack of anti-fracking activities as gov. He’ll realize he has no chance for POTUS and go back to CO to run for Senate against Cory Gardner who probably is hated even more as a RINO in Trump’s way and will easily flip that seat in 2020.



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