Left-Wing Activists Prepare for ‘Resistance’ with Breathing Exercises – IOTW Report

Left-Wing Activists Prepare for ‘Resistance’ with Breathing Exercises

MoveOn teaches anti-Trump agitators coping strategies, ‘our breath is so precious’.


Coping strategies used by distressed liberals to deal with President Donald Trump’s November election victory are now being used to prepare activists to “resist” the Trump agenda.

Coddled college kids across the country tried group cry-ins, group hug-ins, coloring with crayons, and even finger-painting to deal with the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

Now adult snowflake activists are using breathing exercises to prepare for anti-Trump protests.

During a MoveOn.Org “Ready to Resist: Emergency Call” this week — part of a weekly teleconference organized by the Working Families Party that brings together leftist activists to discuss “the resistance” — Mark-Anthony Johnson, health director for a group called Dignity and Power NOW, led those on the call in a number of breathing exercises.  more here

11 Comments on Left-Wing Activists Prepare for ‘Resistance’ with Breathing Exercises

  1. Such cute young ladies.Soft and smooth
    tender skin and the curves! What are they
    going to do in a nasty brutal street riot ???
    Why don’t they go clean some elderly lady’s house
    or take her shopping or mentor some other young
    lady with school work or other problems ? Now
    that would be RADIOATIONMAN style social justice…

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