Left-Wing Magazine Writes -> Biden’s Betrayal of Afghans Will Live in Infamy – IOTW Report

Left-Wing Magazine Writes -> Biden’s Betrayal of Afghans Will Live in Infamy

This is Biden’s Bay of Pigs. Biden has ruined his illegitimate presidency. *There are people all over social media saying they regret ever having voted for this incompetent fool. Biden has made us a universal joke.

With rising food prices, rising healthcare costs, rising gasoline prices, hyperinflation just around the corner, a porous southern border which brings disease, rapists, murderers and drains on social safety nets, there is little that can be said to bolster this administration and keep it from being considered the worst administration this country has seen in modern times.

Joe Biden has always been a punch line, but this is no laughing matter.

They stole this election and handed it over to a near imbecile. Impeachment is not good enough. This government should be taken down, Taliban-style. Ironic, huh?

*The hashtag is #BidenRemorse

and it is trending.

The Atlantic-

Today, the U.S. government is more focused on saving our own than on saving the Afghans who counted on us. For many of them, time is running out. For some, it already has.

All of this was foreseeable—all of it was foreseen. For months, members of Congress and advocates in refugee, veteran, and human-rights organizations have been urging the Biden administration to evacuate America’s Afghan allies on an emergency basis. For months, dire warnings have appeared in the press. The administration’s answers were never adequate: We’re waiting for Congress to streamline the application process. Half the interpreters we’ve given visas don’t want to leave. We don’t want to panic the Afghan people and cause the government in Kabul to collapse. Evacuation to a U.S. territory like Guam could lead to legal problems, so we’re looking for third-country hosts in the region. Most of the interpreters are in Kabul, and Kabul won’t fall for at least six months.

Some of these answers might have been sincere. All of them were irrelevant, self-deceiving, or flat-out false. While some officials in the State Department, the Pentagon, and the White House itself pushed quietly for more urgent measures that might have averted catastrophe, Biden resisted—as if he wouldn’t allow Afghanistan to interfere with his priorities, as if he were done with Afghanistan the minute he announced the withdrawal of all remaining U.S. forces. This hardness is perplexing in a president who spent years in the Senate working on behalf of genocide victims and war refugees; who once promised an Afghan schoolgirl that he would make sure the U.S. didn’t abandon her; who cares intensely about the welfare of American troops.

Veterans, with their code of leaving no one behind on the battlefield, have been among the most passionate advocates for Afghan interpreters. A retired officer involved in discussions with high-ranking administration officials told me that the Veterans Administration plans to offer counseling to Afghanistan vets who will experience the trauma of losing their Afghan comrades to beheading by the Taliban. The retired officer struggled to understand Biden’s resistance. “If his son Beau were still alive today, he would be able to communicate to his father in a way that he’d be receptive,” the veteran told me.


18 Comments on Left-Wing Magazine Writes -> Biden’s Betrayal of Afghans Will Live in Infamy





  2. ” This government should be taken down, Taliban-style. Ironic, huh? ”

    Well, technically, the American Taliban (antifa/blm) have been trying to do that but grandma pelosi put several fences up around the capitol. lol.

  3. While everybody is piling on Biden, don’t forget the brilliant f—king strategists at the Pentagon who’ve been milking this grift for TWO DECADES and who, if they couldn’t win, could AT LEAST manage a strategic withdrawal from the godawful mess they mismanaged.

    And thank you, Deep State, for thwarting Trump’s efforts to get us loose from the Afghanistan tarbaby. Brilliant.

  4. Sorry to be vulgar, but give me a fucking break. I am utterly sick to death of people who say “I didn’t vote for this”. Yes, you fucking did morons. Any person with a room temperature I.Q. could see what was going to happen with this grifting jackass in the Oval Office. He has been broadcasting what he is about for 50 fucking years. But, you liberal fucktards were just so triggered by the Bad Orange Man that you had to put a dementia riddled pedophile in power. Do you honestly think that you didn’t vote for this? I assure you that you did & thanks to all of you, we are all fucked.

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