Left-wing Media Doing About-Face on Rittenhouse For Fear of Being Sued (Like Sandman Successfully Did) – IOTW Report

Left-wing Media Doing About-Face on Rittenhouse For Fear of Being Sued (Like Sandman Successfully Did)

Here is the vile Ana Kasparian trying to cover her ass by playing dumb about not knowing (after over a year) the facts of the case.

These Young Turk Journalists called Rittenhouse a MURDERER for a year.

Now that it is painfully obvious that the prosecution was forced into pursuing charges because of people like, frankly, THE YOUNG TURKS, so that they would get their pound of INNOCENT right-wing flesh, these maggots are worried about being sued.

If this isn’t the case, then cancel Ana Kasparian’s right to TEACH JOURNALISM. That’s right, she teaches journalism.

17 Comments on Left-wing Media Doing About-Face on Rittenhouse For Fear of Being Sued (Like Sandman Successfully Did)

  1. Hell, I was aware of those facts and I’m not a perfeshunal.
    As a professional political commentator it is incumbent upon her to research and know the facts before making statements she labels as “facts”! Otherwise it is just journalistic malpractice.
    It’s pretty obvious that she was simply pushing a progressive lie!
    Milk her for everything she’s got Kyle!

  2. Rosenbaum died doing what he loved, chasing after an underaged boy. Rosenbaum was a convicted child sexual predator. He raped little boys and now he is in hell where he belongs. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  3. All of America knows Kyle is a killer. Their scared? You go ahead & keep thinking that. He will be made an example of, anarchy in the streets, street justice, vigilantes, looks like things are going to get worst before they get better. If set free, he won’t be free for long.

  4. I hope Mr Rittenhouse hires attorney Lynn Wood to sue the ever-living shit outta every single new outlet that libeled him, calling him a murderer, vigilante, militia member, white supremacist, etc.

  5. The best way to fight back is to hit them where it will hurt the most.

    Their money. And if you take enough of that, you take their power.

    Don’t bother trying to shame them as they have none. In fact, it’s a sign of respect on the left.


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