Left-Wing Media Has Judges in Their Back Pockets – Judge Dismisses Palin’s Defamation Suit That Said She Was Responsible For Giffords Shooting – IOTW Report

Left-Wing Media Has Judges in Their Back Pockets – Judge Dismisses Palin’s Defamation Suit That Said She Was Responsible For Giffords Shooting


A federal judge in Manhattan on Tuesday dismissed Sarah Palin’s defamation lawsuit against the New York Times.

“Nowhere is political journalism so free, so robust, or perhaps so rowdy as in the United States,” Judge Jed Rakoff wrote in an opinion dismissing the case. “In the exercise of that freedom, mistakes will be made, some of which will be hurtful to others.”

 The New York Times celebrated the decision.

“Judge Rakoff’s opinion is an important reminder of the country’s deep commitment to a free press and the important role that journalism plays in our democracy,” a Times spokesperson said in a statement. “We regret the errors we made in the editorial. But we were pleased to see that the court acknowledged the importance of the prompt correction we made once we learned of the mistakes. In the words of the court, ‘if political journalism is to achieve its constitutionally endorsed role of challenging the powerful, legal redress by a public figure must be limited’ to cases where there is something more than an honest mistake.”

Palin sued the newspaper earlier this summer over an editorial that drew a link between an advertisement from Palin’s political action committee and a 2011 shooting in Tucson, Arizona, in which six people were killed and then-Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was severely wounded.

In the editorial, which was published online the day of the shooting at a congressional baseball practice this June, the editorial board suggested that Jared Lee Loughner, the man who carried out the Tucson massacre, was incited by a map from Palin’s PAC’s ad, which placed crosshairs over the congressional districts of several Democratic lawmakers, including Giffords’.

There is, in fact, no evidence that Loughner even saw the map, much less that he was motivated by it. The Times issued a correction the next day, but Palin filed her suit two weeks later.


ht/ fdr in hell

18 Comments on Left-Wing Media Has Judges in Their Back Pockets – Judge Dismisses Palin’s Defamation Suit That Said She Was Responsible For Giffords Shooting

  1. She should be in the Guinness book of Records for the longest shot in history. From a small town in Alaska to a meeting in Arizona. She was a little off target when she killed the Federal Judge that defied King Barky in a Federal Court. He was the PRIME target, not the female senator the press insisted on covering her entire as though she was the only one shot.
    Duh media is complicit in the cover up!

  2. ‘if political journalism is to achieve its constitutionally endorsed role of challenging the powerful, legal redress by a public figure must be limited’

    Near as I can tell Palin was a private citizen and had NO power at the time the second hatchet job hit the paper, the NYT was the powerful party between the two.

    ‘If the press is going to be able to lie and defame republicans we must ensure judges that have been bought and paid for.’

  3. This is why Trumps first priority is getting the federal judgeships filled with men and women who will uphold the law without partisanship. I suspect that Palin’s case was lost the moment it was assigned to this judge. Maybe it’s time to start investigating judges like this for contacts they have with the left (or defendants/plaintiffs0, favours received and given, the financial situation of them and their personal lives. All too often it seems that whenever a conservative appears before a court they get trod upon by a Judge appointed by a Democrat. It’s somewhat extreme but it happens too often and does too much damage for it to be ignored. In addition, Judges that are appointed need to have term limits and some sort of judicial review to determine whether they are impartial arbiters of the law and if they fail a mechanism to remove them from the bench. Find candidates for congress that are filling to fight for this reform. One of the very real outcomes of this travesty is that it will embolden the NYT and other media outlets to further slander and libel public figures without fear of the law.

  4. Physically separate the liberals from the conservatives, physically divide the country in two.
    We’ll take the western U.S. and they can have the eastern part. Hey, it’s pretty obvious that we can not live together.
    Either physical division or all out war.

  5. “‘if political journalism is to achieve its constitutionally endorsed role of challenging the powerful, legal redress by a public figure must be limited’

    Near as I can tell Palin was a private citizen and had NO power at the time the second hatchet job hit the paper, the NYT was the powerful party between the two.

    ‘If the press is going to be able to lie and defame republicans we must ensure judges that have been bought and paid for.’”

    There is no constitutional role for the media. The right of the people to speak is what is cited in the first amendment. The judgey should be fired for rank incompetence!

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