Left-Wing Media- “Rudy Giuliani’s tasteless Hillary joke” – IOTW Report

Left-Wing Media- “Rudy Giuliani’s tasteless Hillary joke”


On Friday night, President Trump entertained around 250 Republican donors in his Mar-a-Lago ballroom.

The most shocking moment of the evening came when Trump brought his old pal Rudy Giuliani onto the stage.

Giuliani told the crowd he had been down there for Trump’s wedding.

“Hillary was also here,” he said, according to two sources in the room, “and she actually fit through the door.”
After Trump’s physical all we heard about was how fat Trump is.

17 Comments on Left-Wing Media- “Rudy Giuliani’s tasteless Hillary joke”

  1. She was sober enough to make it to the door? If she had won (God forbid) they would have have to break out William Howard Taft’s bathtub from the basement.

  2. @Rat Fink: I started to say, “No, I was talking about the crème-filled kind”, but then
    I thought about it and decided that a better way to differentiate between the two
    would be to say “the sponge cake kind” instead.


  3. Larger doors are common at service entrances to ease the moving of supplies and products. Did the sow find some part time work with a company doing assistant delivery? I hope security checked her for silverware before she left.

  4. Right but all the lame jokes at the Oscars last night at pence or Trump were hilarious! Good job with the outrage, I would have never heard the joke without it being pointed out.

  5. I guess the totalitarians haven’t much to bitch about.
    A joke about HRC?
    She’s a walking joke.
    (if you take your humor in Satanic manifestations)

    My idea of an HRC joke would be to nail her to a plank and leave her exposed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. He has little hands, we all know what that means – ha ha.
    He dreams about sex with his daughter – ha ha.
    He’s crazy, demented, talks to himself – ha ha.
    He does sexual things for Putin – ha ha.
    Oh! someone pointed out that Hillary is chubby? String him up!

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