Left-Wing Mission Nearly Accomplished – IOTW Report

Left-Wing Mission Nearly Accomplished

Patriotism in free-fall.


Just 39% of US adults and 18% of young people are ‘extremely proud’ to be American

  • Just 39 percent of adults expressed ‘extreme’ pride in the US, Gallup says 
  • Among younger adults, less than a fifth are highly patriotic  

For young adults aged between 18 and 34, only 18 percent say they’re extremely proud of their nationality.

Gallup said that patriotism had reached a record low point, suggesting it was linked to the nation’s increasingly partisan politics.

Party affiliation doubtless plays a role too, researchers said.

Fully 60 percent of Republicans say they’re extremely proud to be American, compared to just 29 percent of Democrats.

‘Pride in one’s national identity continues to differ most sharply among partisans, with more Republicans than Democrats saying they are proud,’ Gallup said in a statement.

‘However, age is nearly as important a factor, with younger adults in all party groups significantly less proud than older adults in each party.’

They noted that Republicans tend to be older than Democrats, which in part explains these findings.

Attitudes have shifted markedly this century, which has seen the US roiled by the 9/11 attacks, the War on Terror, its first black president, and the rise of populist and anti-immigrant sentiments.


20 Comments on Left-Wing Mission Nearly Accomplished

  1. It’s a little hard to be proud of a country that does NOTHING about Pedo Shitpants being very obviously illegally installed as dictatorial mouthpiece, and even moreso as he shames us daily on a world stage.

  2. “And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.”
    Judges 2:10

    …you’re never more than one generation from tyranny.

    It is the doom of men that they forget.

    Which is why the devil only needs to repeat.

  3. The most significant factor in explaining this diminishing level of patriotism is the glaring ignorance of our history as a nation. The only history that is taught in our schools is not of our Judeo-Christian values, our freedoms, the remarkable set of circumstances that born our founding, constructed by moral men who valued God and those rights endowed by him to every man, or that the world is a better more just and freer place with our leadership and guidance, no, the kids are taught only about our racism, imperialism, and the cruelty we inflicted on others mainly because of our greed and bigotry. It is no wonder this generation has no love, no allegiance or loyalty to a nation that was never very good anyway, one that has harmed more than helped.

  4. So where is the other 43%?
    Probably at work, making a living the American way.
    So that would mean 82% still have hope.
    Just the brand “US Gallup” automaticly makes me assume it’s all a lie.


    a. Went to detention 3 times defending like an OPERATIN WETBACK 65 years ago.

    b. Voted for Rpnny9 times.

    c. Never voted for GWB!

    America is the best, greatest country in world history; no mater what GWB says.

  6. I served 21 years in the military. I stayed an extra year chasing E-8 but didn’t make it. I was proud to serve my country. I was on the first C-5 in Panama for Just Cause. Did the Desert Shield/Storm and got to start the OIF war. I am no war hero as I was the Commo guy that was in the rear with the commo gear. My claim to fame is I kept the Mama Call telephone network up for the true hero’s.

    I am ashamed of our government.

  7. You can mark that Mission Accomplished down for the teacher’s unions. They have worked tirelessly for over a century to undermine America’s values, traditions, history and culture. They’ve taken the side of racists, fascists, communists and eugenists in their fight to destroy our country. They’ve pushed out millions of brain numbed young adults into our higher education system where they could cement their assault on America.

    Without the mooring our culture had provided for over 200 years, the slow rot of our traditions began. HR Departments in all of our corporations and institutions have been screening out people not committed to leftest ideology for decades. Everything the left touches turns to shit only now TPTB are solidly left as well. “representatives” seemingly on our side in DC & state houses mask their true intentions, scum like Ryan, Graham, Romney and McCarthy come to mind. There will be no reckoning for the left when no one stands up for us. They are relentless in their quest for control, now effectively removed even elections as a means for balance.

    I don’t know what our side needs to coalesce into but what we’ve been doing sure as fuck ain’t working.

  8. After flying the flag every day, I ceased doing so the day our PINO was sworn into office. I will not fly it again until I’m confident that we’ve had an election decided by the actual voters, not ballots.

  9. I need to correct my earlier post. I did fly the flag upside down for two days after Biden was inaugurated. Two other people in our community of 562 homes also did so. Then, the fucking HOA, I’m certain at the insistence of the communists in the community, had an emergency meeting and changed our rules making it a punishable offence. Yeah, used a portion of my dues money to pay an attorney for both the opinion they sought and the changing of the wording. Nice.

    There are a lot of commonalities between an HOA and our government.


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