Left-Wingers Furious That Democrats Aren’t Kicking Pro-Lifers Out Of The Party – IOTW Report

Left-Wingers Furious That Democrats Aren’t Kicking Pro-Lifers Out Of The Party

DC: The Democratic party is facing a revolt from the left after the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman said the party would back pro-life candidates in 2018.

The DCCC chairman, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, told The Hill that there will not be “a litmus test” for candidates on the subject of abortion. Lujan’s comments come as Democrats attempt to rebuild a broken party that has hemorrhaged elected offices on both the state and national level.

Lujan’s comments sparked immediate outrage from left-wingers.

“I’m afraid I’ll be with holding support for the DCCC if this is true,” said former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, whose name was briefly floated this year as a candidate for DNC chair.   more

7 Comments on Left-Wingers Furious That Democrats Aren’t Kicking Pro-Lifers Out Of The Party

  1. This ought to be interesting. The very left (or extreme left) has been gaining more and more power over the past few years with the moderates steadly losing ground. If the moderates are now making a stand against the left in a bid to gain electable candidates and the party purists are are going to challenge them then we may see some purging going on live and in color. If some of the media can make this a public showdown (and with idiots like Dean in the front trenches it almost guarantees a report or two) the Democrat Party can only lose no matter who wins this internal party struggle.

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