Left-Wingers Look Toward Wet Behind the Ears Know-Nothing Teen To Discuss Policy On National Stage – IOTW Report

Left-Wingers Look Toward Wet Behind the Ears Know-Nothing Teen To Discuss Policy On National Stage

This no chin weasel is defending the officer who froze and hid behind a pillar while he listened to shots being fired in a building he was hired to protect.

No one challenges this pipsqueak, like he’s some kind of sage. He’s an idiot.

“Who wants to go down the barrel of an AR-15, even with a glock? And I know that’s what these police officers are supposed to do, but they’re people too,” he added.


So how is disarming the public a solution to this “crisis” if cops are expected to hide because, “hey, they’re people”?

Notice how this twerp keeps nipping at the AR-15 like some diseased chihuahua. He’s a trained monkey. He should be clapping cymbals and wearing a fez, it would perfectly match his chattering teeth.

Hey idiot, riddle me this, how did the cop know it was an AR-15 being fired in the school?

Are you telling me he would have run in there if he identified the shots as ones coming from a Glock? Is this your argument, you idiot, that it was the evil AR-15 that kept the overweight hired gun from waddling into the building, fending off a heart attack by chugging orange baby aspirin and hoping his pants wouldn’t come down around his ankles?


Listen to someone smarter than you, this fellow student —>


Pimplepuss, the problem in the world is not the AR-15. Period.

(I am being intentionally harsh and nasty toward this kid because I am so sick of the left carting out people who they believe cannot be rebutted because they have protection class status. Screw that. I had 8 years of that with Obama. You cart out a kid to discuss serious policy he is going to get the full “speak truth to power” treatment, including isolation and ridicule.)


64 Comments on Left-Wingers Look Toward Wet Behind the Ears Know-Nothing Teen To Discuss Policy On National Stage

  1. Punchable face. There have been several candidates in the past, and I’ve always known what you’re talking about when you post them.

    This is really the first time I’ve felt it. Every time I see this kid online, on TV or print, being let to pontificate by a whack of drooling acolytes, I want to deck his ass, just on general principle. I know exactly what he is, how he’s being used, and how he’s making his pr bones for the next 30 years, having honed his mad victim sjw skillz during the last 17 years of his life. It will be a long time before another candidate comes to the fore that will fill that slot. Most. Punchable.

  2. Hell, this skinny-fat half-wit assclown probably knows just as much about guns & gun policy as any Dem congressman. Lefties never get any smarter or less smug than they were at 16.

  3. I made the mistake of commenting on a Facebook thread a few days ago and starting an argument. One woman in particular was arguing that “Arming teachers is straight from the NRA playbook. Arming teachers puts dollars in the pockets of gun manufacturers and endangers both our children and educators.”
    I asked for supporting data and instead received some rather specific but unsupported data about attrition of firearms skills in professionals. What? Nothing of course about the skills of a teenage gunman. Followed with more rhetoric, and finally a comment that she is the “Executive Director of Women Against Gun Violence. Not against guns, against gun violence.”
    I didn’t believe her, in particular due to her lack of supportable information. It wasn’t until later that I looked up her supposed website, and sure enough she is the ED of wagv.org! Not only that but her Facebook profile pic is of her on stage with Killary!
    It continues to amaze me that even those who are fully engaged in the ‘fight’ as opposed to spare-timers like me have so little supportable information, when you have a Dana Loesch who can state statistic after statistic that is verifiable and supports private gun ownership and carry.

  4. The shooter doesn’t know where the cop would be coming from. Shooter would be relatively easy to find. Shooter probably didn’t expect any armed resistance. Advantage COP. This Sheriffs department is out of excuses.

  5. I would say he is the real life Wesley Crusher, but that would actually be an insult to the fictional lad. That, and if Will Weaton wasn’t already so obnoxious a know-it-all SJW twit in recent years having filled the role for real.

  6. One thing is for sure, this little homo must be thrilled with all of the daily professional make up and hairdressers CNN has following him around. Queers love to have their make up down by girlfriends that care.

  7. From what little I’ve followed this, seems the Left is using this dweeb the same way Palestinians use their children, or as leftists as a whole view unborn babies. Common view of kids: disposable political devices to be deployed, destroyed, forgotten.

    Remember Clock Boy?

    Wait two months, it’ll be Poindexter’s turn.

  8. larrytheenlightenedliberal: “But Glock bullets travel 3 times slower!”
    I guess that makes all the difference when you are prepared to do a Thomas “Neo” Anderson trick and avoid handgun bullets in Bullet-time, but not faster rifle bullets, in The Matrix. Of course since you don’t know that the gunman has a rifle at this time the question is all rather moot.

  9. I’m sure if enough funny pics of him were made, he could be goaded into Shia Leboofish self-destruction. He’s an insecure, adolescent punk who’s in over his head, and he doesn’t know it yet.

  10. I haven’t followed this guy’s story at all. I suspect that he’s a camera whore with enabling liberal cheerleader parents urging their useful idiot onward

    I can tell you that a real hero student that
    day wants nothing to be with the media. I’ve been conversing with his mom. No way

  11. There are singular ethical questions I’ve been studying for a longer period of time than this idiot has been alive.

    My positions on them today are considered, hard won, and required painful levels of introspection over periods of time longer than he has quit wetting himself.

    And all of a sudden he becomes an authority on a subject.

    Yeah, sure.

  12. So which of the Lion King’s misfit kops were the ones hiding in their cars? The fairies, the muslims or the illegals?

    (I’m just guessing about the illegals. But I like the odds)

  13. joe6pak/Thirdtwin

    My thinking here is that I unfortunately viewed that disturbing image and am scarred for at least the rest of the day. I knew my pals wouldn’t want me to go through this experience alone. I couldn’t bare the thought of you feeling guilty.

  14. So the left has finally realized Nancy Pelosi and the rest of their first stringers are doing more damage every time the camera and mike is on them.

    So now they have a young boy as there frontman. Well, that will excite their spirit cooking base but as for brain power the kid is about as bright as Nancy. These is the state of our state. Damn right I have fire arms and if this drunk on ideology punk of a kid is the future of the Democrat party I’ll be buying more thank you very much.

  15. This kid’s misshapen head is very weird looking. The upper half of his head looks too big for the bottom half. I guess it’s to hold the extra helping of shit for brains that he has.

  16. He’s this week’s Sandra Phluck, or whoever, the law student who couldn’t raise $9 a month for the Pill and was anointed the Dem’s rising star. She self destructed after 60 days of nonstop media overexposure. Now I can’t even spell her name.

    Snowflakes melt. The Left destroys everything it touches.

  17. “I Am Tosk” had in his link the purported info I still want to know more about. If he was a ’15 grad out in Kaliforniastan, then he was planted at the school by those with foreknowledge, prepped to do a presentation from a closet that was oh-so-carefully written to be pro gun control. He even looks to old for this role.

    Where is the vetting, I heard the quotes on TV that verified he was definitely a student at Douglas.

    Anybody have more definitive or up to date info???

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