Lefties Amazed at Trump’s Prescience Regarding 9/11 Terror Attacks (pssst… Trump is Usually Correct) – IOTW Report

Lefties Amazed at Trump’s Prescience Regarding 9/11 Terror Attacks (pssst… Trump is Usually Correct)

Yet, they still do not want him as a leader. Why?

20 Comments on Lefties Amazed at Trump’s Prescience Regarding 9/11 Terror Attacks (pssst… Trump is Usually Correct)

  1. “Yet, they still do not want him as a leader. Why?”

    Because he exposes them for what they are; biased, vapid country-hating socialists who are hell-bent on the ruination of a once great country and view Trump as the number one obstacle in their great re-set. He knows what they are doing, alerts his followers to their plan, and provides ammo to counter it. He is public enemy number one.

  2. @Brad,

    Left you a reply on the “Visa Caves” thread – I’d very much appreciate your reading it, as well as Uncle Al’s reply to you, as you made some strong accusations against me, and I think you’re honorable enough not to want to leave it this way.

    Thank you.

  3. Smart,anything you claim Goober. In his meetings it’s a known fact to bring plenty o pictures. No more than 1 subject at a time, easily confused. Colorings books & his trusty sharpie, his bestest tools.

  4. Trump was interviewed right after 9-11 and he said there no way the planes brought down the twin towers, that it was a controlled demolition. He also commented the bombing in 1993 and how many of the columns at the were destroyed, but it didn’t fall then.

  5. That’s a shame – it would have been so easy for you to search Indiana gun show regs. Guess I’ll just have to get my 67 year-old woman-self over to the local FBI field office and finish this jigsaw puzzle over there, ha

  6. I think, based on the look on his face, mourning Joe just figured out that if Donald Trump could see 9/11 coming, he could easily have seen the Mar-A-Lago raid coming, and made the appropriate preparations (video surveillance, digital copies, etc.).

  7. Donald Trump is savvy.
    He is well read.
    He is thoughtful.
    He is wise.
    When you put all of those things together you have a great leader, who can look at the present and predict much of the future.
    Those TV hosts are actors reading what others write for them for the purpose of keeping the audience entertained.
    Just like the Romans – bread and circuses.

  8. Perhaps the FBI will use that video to launch an investigation into what Trump knew and how did he know it. He must have colluded. Colluded and conspired. That’s what he did. Conspired and colluded. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.

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