Lefties with TDS can’t admit Trump was right – IOTW Report

Lefties with TDS can’t admit Trump was right

11 Comments on Lefties with TDS can’t admit Trump was right

  1. Except for Milley & Fauci.

    And personally, I hear he likes his steaks well done.

    I like mine BLOODY!

    So yes, He was not perfect, but damned near Close!

  2. He better make some kick ass appointments, everyone needs to be a Navarro. And the first thing he should do is fire EVERY Schedule C employee. These are non competitive, policy making appointments that serve at the pleasure of the current administration. I don’t know how many he canned last time but obviously, he left too many.

    Move the FBI to Omaha. Move the Dept/Ag to Kansas. Eliminate the Dept/Education. Gut the DOJ. Get his people in at the CIA and NSA. Shit can every woke general. Demand Congress produce a fucking budget, no more omnibus bullshit. He just can’t do this alone.

    OTOH DeSantis has shown he has the ability to put together a team that pushes his policies & works well together.

  3. To be fair, a retarded monkey is correct more often than a leftie. But Trump was right much of the time, and not afraid to state his position all of the time.

  4. So useful idiots that voted for a short bus corrupt idiot are figuring out there’s something worse than unpresidential mean tweets.
    They all own this fool.

  5. Kcir – We all have our warts, but I’m with you on those steaks! If it’s good meat add lotsa heat for a few minutes and call it done to perfection! I disagreed with President Trump on that and McDonalds, but not much else. The man is one smart cookie – and not a smart ass like Jackass Joe!

  6. Milley was a fucking Idiot.
    I realize he kept Fauci because everybody believed he was an expert and they wanted some continuity. If he would have canned him, all hell would have broken loose even with the fucking RINOS.


  7. The thing you have to always remember about left ‘tards is that they absolutely believe that all of reality is a creation of the human mind. So even when all the stupid shit they believe in fails to make any kind of a dent in actual reality, they believe that is a product of not enough people believing hard enough in what leftists want. That is why they are so obsessed with shutting down free speech and forcing universal conformity to their stupid ideas. It’s because they believe all their unicorn dreams will come true once everyone actually believes in them.

    In other words, they’re batshit fucking crazy control freaks who will never be dissuaded by logic… ever. So, always be ready to kill them if the come after you.


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