Leftist Attackers Tell GOP Supporter to “Go Back To His Country” – IOTW Report

Leftist Attackers Tell GOP Supporter to “Go Back To His Country”

If you support the GOP the left wants you out of the country.

Naaaaaa. Leftists aren’t supporting open borders because they hope to increase their voter rolls. That would be too cynical to think that, wouldn’t it?

The Hill-

A Sikh man says he was attacked and told to “go back to [his] country” in an incident that police in California are investigating as a hate crime.

Surjit Malhi, 50, told Sacramento’s CBS13 that he was beaten last week by two men, who also allegedly spray-painted his truck with hate symbols, while he was posting campaign signs in support of Rep. Jeff Denham (R-Calif.) in Stanislaus County.

Malhi told the CBS affiliate that the men threw sand in his eyes and brutally beat him in the head, shoulders and neck, while shouting: “Go back to your country!”

“It’s very scary, you know,” he said, adding that he thought “they were going to shoot me.”


6 Comments on Leftist Attackers Tell GOP Supporter to “Go Back To His Country”

  1. Appropos of nothing, I dated Jeff Denham’s dad when I was in high school. Gardena HS – go Mohicans! Except they are not called the Mohicans anymore, due to political correctness.

  2. Thats it in a nutshell, the left wants votes. Because votes boil down to power and money indirectly and the democrats are addicted to both. They really don’t want to give a free ride into the USA unless it comes with a perpetual voter for their political team. And they play the good guy role by claiming everyone coming in is down trodden and persecuted and its their guys who reached out and saved them. In the end it’s just about power, greed and money – nothing more.


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