Leftist author begs ‘normal people’ not to wear any red hat because it’s scaring people – IOTW Report

Leftist author begs ‘normal people’ not to wear any red hat because it’s scaring people


An author who has been a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award received backlash on Twitter after likening President Trump’s red “Make America Great Again” hats to the Nazi swastika — and urging “normal people” (i.e., non-Trump voters) to avoid wearing any type of red hat, saying they’d be “making people scared” by doing so.

The Chicago-based author, Rebecca Makkai, 41, made the remarks in a string of tweets beginning over the weekend and carrying into early this week. She also asked sports fans whose teams wear red hats — such as the Cincinnati Reds, Philadelphia Phillies and Washington Nationals — not to don that specific color cap in public.

“Not worth making disenfranchised people feel unsafe,” she wrote.

She also railed against parody MAGA hats if they, too, are red.

“Also, for the love of God: The clever folks wearing “Make America Read Again” or whatever caps — NO. You’re making everyone scared. Don’t do it,” she wrote.

speaking of scaring people–>

can you stop wearing that face?

36 Comments on Leftist author begs ‘normal people’ not to wear any red hat because it’s scaring people

  1. there’s story at zerohedge right now about how the security force at the Canadian Senate asked a guy who was wearing a shirt that said ” i love canadian oil” to turn the shirt inside out or he would have to quit the tour of the Senate. the security guy said the shirt might offend somebody.

    hey, security guy. fuck you, you flaming faggot. did that offend you?

  2. Mike Trout is the greatest baseball player! … good photo pick Mr. Hat … Mike is a normal guy off the field of play. The left is so very childish now-a-days. While looking at the photo of the author I hear “…and your little dog too”

    Now where’s my red hat, so I can wear it everywhere?
    I want to see Libtard heads go ‘splody. I want to see Snowflake suicides.

  4. Who cares about her literary awards? It’s not a meritocracy anymore so any kind of award/prize/acknowledgement no longer has any value at all. She’s a boilerplate leftist and that’s why she gets published and awarded. Her stories sound awful. Just vehicles of leftism; anti-Christian, most male characters are unemployed/worthless. The only male hero is a 10 year old gay boy. Too bad. Rising to the top of the literary world used to mean something. Now it’s a total joke of identity politics. Joseph Conrad would be so disappointed.

  5. I have several red caps that stand for “Make the Angels Great Again.” Seriously, a team with Mike Trout is irrelevant by September?

    The Angels have lots of progressive fans, and they all wear red caps without being triggered. During the Obama years, a lot of those fans also carried Rally Monkeys and I didn’t hear of any pro-Obama or BLM people being triggered by that. It’s a cap. It’s red. And the only problem is that lady who needs to get over herself.

  6. The Pulitzer Prizes no longer have the cachet they once did 30 years ago. It was always a little left orientated and has become much more so over time as well as mixing politics into their decisions. In addition what does a lefty know about God so she ought to have at least some spine and not invoke his name for some political SJW’ing. Anyway, I suspect that anyone that would listen to her has similar political/SJW views as she does and just happens to own a red hat. Conservtives around where she works ought to pick a day where they ALL wear red MAGA hats and slap a MAGA bumper sticker on her car (assuming she has one).

  7. If this intelllectually challenged woman has such a problem with red hats, wear dark sunglasses, stupid. When you see a red hat you will not be able to tell.
    In the alternative, close your eyes and pretend you are in Wonderland.

  8. What doesn’t trigger the left? Triggers triggers the Left.
    Real, open-carry guns gets them scared. Guns in the shape of pop-tarts gets them scared.

    Just curl up in the shape of a fetus and suck your thumb ….. oh wait, that might trigger somebody to do a post 9-month abortion…

  9. She ought to leave the Cincinnati Reds out of her scaredy-rant, because, the name Reds and the big C on their caps.

    It’s ironic that in the 1950’s, the club officially changed the team name to “Redlegs”, because of the Red scare of that time. I guess the team was afraid of scaring people. Later, they changed it back to “Reds”.

    But that is not what makes this silly Makkai person scared.

  10. How are we supposed to believe that women could carry the load in a war when then get so damned scared? They are afraid of guns, mice, reality. Then, liberal women are not afraid to take the life of those innocents who can’t fight back. Bizarre thought processes indeed.

    It still takes tough men to kill enemy soldiers and not shed a tear over it. I am of course not including the pussified “men” with knot tops and pony tails that our universities pump out by the millions.

    Churchill said as much at the end of WWII: We owe our freedom to rough men with no compulsion about killing enemy soldiers.

  11. Wait a minute! I don’t believe anyone made the connection about wearing a red hat because it’s scaring people and waving a red cape for the bull to charge!

    That could be a pretty interesting meme.

  12. @Claudia – I had that thought as well. Mine was more along the lines of provoking a dumb animal who has no ability to reason, but runs purely on instinct. In this case, the bull is probably smarter.

  13. When I was in High School, I had to conform to a dress code. Likewise, when I was in the Navy, both in uniform and civvie’s.

    I’ve been out of the Navy for twenty-five years.

    Fuck you and your anxieties, you liberal twatwaffle. (Some overlap there.)

  14. The first 2 Press orgs the KGB infiltrated in ’20s were: Pulitzer (Columbia) + NYT. By 1930 USSR controlled both Pulitaer and NYT. both orgs are still Russian propaganda machines. given Russia’s control of Pulitzer it shoould be no surprise that their award winners are and have been for 90 America hate mongers! Becky has hated Americans for decades! Maybe all her life.
    Bu she loves Russia

  15. FUR could change his name to “Big Red Hat” and get with the program. The Russians are out. Trump – Red – Republican is in. (Kind of like the saying “Red – Right – Returning” as it applies to red buoys at a harbor’s entrance.)

  16. Conservative Old Cranks begs progressives to quit acting like nine year girls who just dropped their ice cream.
    This just in: Hats don’t scare people. No matter how often you repeat it.


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