Leftist Bob Costas Says Football Is Collapsing As a Sport – Wait For the Punch Line – IOTW Report

Leftist Bob Costas Says Football Is Collapsing As a Sport – Wait For the Punch Line

We all know football is collapsing, and it’s because of the disrespect these overpaid, not so bright, atheletes display during the national anthem.

Costas says football is coming down like a house of cards… but not because of his leftist brethren, but because football … wait for it…causes concussions.

Yep. That’s why no one is tuning in and no one is showing up at the stadiums. It’s because the sport is so brutal and the people just can’t muster up the strength to watch.



34 Comments on Leftist Bob Costas Says Football Is Collapsing As a Sport – Wait For the Punch Line

  1. Did I mention NHL players are only about 30% Americans?

    Tampa Bay Lightning’s J.T.Brown raised his fist during the anthem and was immediately pig piled by fans and his teammates.

    Brown quickly decided actual hands on community service would benefit at risk young people more than grandstanding.

    The NFL is dead to me.

  2. NFL lefties are in denial that their ideology is the sole reason for the NFL’s collapse.

    Because in acknowledging that fact will cause them to realize that their point of view is as retarded as they are.

  3. Football is collapsing as an industry because the owners feared their unionized players more than their paying customers. The owners showed respect for the almighty dollar instead of the nation’s law enforcement officers, our flag and our Anthem. In the end, the players, owners, and yes Roger Goodell too, committed suicide by protest.

  4. “That’s why no one is tuning in and no one is showing up at the stadiums. It’s because the sport is so brutal and the people just can’t muster up the strength to watch.”

    Hillary, I think Bob has found your next excuse.

  5. These over paid morons who get paid on average $14 million a year to play a childs game are ludicrous representatives of “black oppression” when most of them not only get the bucks but get armies of lawyers to keep them out of jail as well as an even bigger group of damage control workers to make them look like choir boys in the press, all for free, but they are “oppressed”.

    Time to turn to the awesome ladies of the LFL who not only stand for the anthem hand over heart, but play the game better than their babied counterparts…. and they are smoking hot to boot!

  6. Did Jock-sniffer Costas ever mention why the same exodus isn’t happening on Saturdays at College football stadiums?? Did college ball become a pansy sport all of a sudden? Do college players have BETTER helmets than the Pros? Is Mixed Martial Arts losing fans? Does Jock-sniffer Costas think we’re all that stoopid? What an ass.

  7. Freak show plastic surgery Bob Costa is the equivalent of a guy who was never invited into your house taking a big dump on your coffee table who then provides all sorts of interesting theories as to why it stinks in here.

  8. Costas was a pioneer broadcaster as far as promoting his personal, negative leftist world-view (instead of staying on topic=sports) and as far as being a obnoxious total asshole. A real trail blazer. The Olympic Games couldn’t be watched with the sound on.

    Before Costas, we had interesting, knowledgeable, but likeable announcers like Curt Gowdy and Pat Summerall. Now all of ESPN resembles his ‘style’.

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