Leftist Calls For the Right of Other Countries to Vote in Our Elections – IOTW Report

Leftist Calls For the Right of Other Countries to Vote in Our Elections


I was nine years old when I first seriously pondered the result of a US presidential election. It was 2000 and my father suggested we bet on who would win the 2000 vote – George W Bush or Al Gore. In the kitchen of our apartment in the Paris suburbs, I bet a piece of gum that it would be Gore. Two months later, the Supreme Court decided otherwise, and I didn’t realise until many years later how close I had come to being right.

Perhaps that’s when it originated: the idea that maybe other countries shouldn’t just be left wringing their hands every four years and waiting to see who US citizens had chosen to appoint as (to speak like a White House staffer on Scandal) the leader of the Free World.

And perhaps that seed of an idea continued to gestate in 2004, when we waited to find out whether John Kerry would deprive George W Bush of a second term; then in 2008, when T-shirts bearing Barack Obama’s red and blue “Hope” poster started cropping up on the streets of the French capital; and again in 2012, when we learned the names of his Republican challengers.

Then, of course, came November 2016, by which time I had moved from my native France to the US. I came home from work at approximately four the morning after the election and spent an hour or two on the phone with my mother (it was mid-morning in Paris) talking about Donald Trump’s ascent to power and what it meant for America as well as for the world.

One election after the next, we have seen how much the results of the US presidential vote impact not just the 50 states, but the rest of the planet too. And if the future of foreign countries is shaped to a significant extent by what goes on on US Election Day, shouldn’t they get a say in who gets to lead the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years?

In other words: shouldn’t foreign countries have a right to vote in the US presidential election?


Eradicate the left NOW.

18 Comments on Leftist Calls For the Right of Other Countries to Vote in Our Elections

  1. OMG! I said years ago about all this bullshit about having illegals vote in our elections that they should just send out absentee voting ballots to everyone on the planet…

    Heeeeere’s yer sign!!

  2. I dunno?…something about the beaches at Normandy, the Ardennes and every fence row in France tells me that we already voted, NO!….I think the American permanent white crosses says it all….

  3. We’ve already had a taste of what harm a despot can do – Thanks Barry (sarc). If it were up to globalists and their population of socialist subjects, he would still be in office.
    Thank God for President Trump – America and Americans first!

  4. Can’t blame the idiot for trying as we already have dead Democrats, illegal Democrats, convict democrats and mentally insane Democrats voting in our elections with the blessing of both parties!

  5. Wow, how novel to think 2nd and 3rd world shit holes should have an over-whelming influence on our political systems.

    I think I’ll pass on their offer and bid them a ubiquitous F-OFF.

  6. “Leftist Calls For the Right of Other Countries to Vote in Our Elections”

    …seems legit. After all, we DID have a guy from another country “elected” as the last President by leftist…

  7. Sorry, Frenchie – you can’t vote in our elections. Why? You said it yourself – we run the world and France is a third rate power. And we have done pretty well at it, too; you are able to bitch and moan in French instead of German or Russian.

    Tell you what, though – you can have our lefties as a consolation prize. You all can sit around singing Kumbaya and drinking fru-fru coffees while real Americans rekindle their inner John Wayne and kick ass like we were meant to do.


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