Leftist Cancel Opt-Out When Parents Reject LGBTQ in Their Schools – IOTW Report

Leftist Cancel Opt-Out When Parents Reject LGBTQ in Their Schools

Just the News

Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools claims it was flooded with opt-out requests when the books were introduced in the curriculum in January, giving it legal justification, on logistical grounds, to issue a blanket policy of no exceptions and no notifications.

The district didn’t provide a specific number or even vague range, however, in its memorandum opposing the motion for preliminary injunction by Catholic, Muslim and Ukrainian-Orthodox parents who filed the First and Fourteenth Amendment lawsuit in May. More

14 Comments on Leftist Cancel Opt-Out When Parents Reject LGBTQ in Their Schools

  1. Gee, even bomb-wearing, infidel beheading, gay rooftop throwing, Jew-hating, Koran-spouting theocratic fanatics do not want their kids read to by degenerates dressing and acting inappropriately in front of them.

  2. Dear teachers,
    Would you like to opt-out of being dragged to the nearest tall tree and forced to do an “air dance”? Sorry. Opt-out denied.

  3. Marc Elrich runs it as though he is a dictator as proven through covid and nobody does anything about it. He shut everything down 6 months longer than md did. He also gives monthly welfare to illegal aliens while raising the already ridiculous county property taxes and the people are just ok with it, so you get what you get.

  4. Government schools get their money based on a per student cost, when you vote with your feet that’s one less kid they’re getting money for. It’s a indoctrination center with a really crappy value for the cost.
    Home school.
    It’s not that hard.

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