Leftist CNN Analyst Says Trump’s Documents Indictment Tracks Word For Word With What Biden Did – IOTW Report

Leftist CNN Analyst Says Trump’s Documents Indictment Tracks Word For Word With What Biden Did

5 Comments on Leftist CNN Analyst Says Trump’s Documents Indictment Tracks Word For Word With What Biden Did

  1. True, DavidW, and they’re letting Biden know that it’s time for him to come down with that disease which will cause him to resign. They’re telegraphing that “Old Man’s Memory” is the golden ticket to Delaware without prosecution..

  2. True, Thirdtwin. Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.

  3. Yup. Lapdog media have definitely been given their marching orders.
    Watch who they talk about a lot in glowing terms and that’s who the new puppet will be.

    And, no, what Biden did he had no authority to do. He wasn’t Pres. when he took documents.


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